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  • REITs (and REIT funds) are a poor proxy for direct real estate investment. Moreover, REIT prices are now trading at a substantial premium to Net Asset Value, a condition which has ALWAYS led to a narrowing of this gap (i.e., REIT share prices will p…
  • Scott, If I invest in any of the foreign listed funds or funds of funds I'm wondering if I should do so in my taxable brokerage account or my existing, US-domiciled IRA brokerage account. Presumably these vehicles make distributions, and my sense …
  • Scott, Cambium may be the only true timberland investment available to retail investors. As Ben Inker of GMO says, "You've got to own the trees." REIT's with substantial timber acreage are a poor proxy. Bluecrest Allblue looks very interesting. 2 …
  • Scott, Thanks for the feedback. I agree that the records of the Hatteras mutual funds have been less than compelling. The private vehicle returns have trailed the S&P over 1, 3 and 5 year periods (albeit with half the maximum drawdown). On t…