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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • David Snowball's Commentary For August
    Finger Lakes? you're joking right. (straight from Ithaca :)
    the Catskills supplies much of the water. e.g. Schoharie Reservoir. Ashokan, etc.
    Dammit, got that totally fubared. Have no idea why I thought Ithaca = Niagara wine region.
    Wherever it's from, the water is amazing. It is either the water or the age of the ovens that give the crust that distinctive bite. But I loved the taste of NYC tap water.
    Now, was that Original Ray's, Famous Ray's, Ray's Famous, Original Famous Ray's, Famous Original Ray's, or some other Ray entirely? :)
  • David Snowball's Commentary For August
    Bagels, Pizza, Bakeries - hard to find good ones these days.
    NYC is the magic word. I lived for 2 years in Manhattan. I'm ruined for pizza and bagels.
  • Sort by number of responses
    Hi Kaspa- yep, I'm with you on that. Some months ago I also asked if we could sort on response, but Accipiter said that it was not possible. I'm told that a separate category for link-posts is easily done, but uncertain as to desirability.
  • PRBLX not an owl
    @davidmoran. Thanks man. Glad to see you liking Accipiter's Miraculous Multi Search tool.
    Yeah, on the ratings, I think you are suggesting that you want something future looking, kind of like the M* metal system?
    Well, I'd rely on David's profiles, M*'s analysis, fund prospectus, good advice on the board, MFO GO ratings, PM teleconferences and commentaries, fund house, etc, etc.
    One big reason we gravitated toward the MFO ratings methodology was because of the emphasis on drawdown. A parameter that I think gets kind of swept under the rug. And, Martin is typically not published. (A little more from Peter Martin here:
    That said, it's strictly historical. A good place to start and data I certainly want to know. But just that.
  • The Slowskys
    Ted- Accipiter has only a dial-up modem to work with, and I'm not at all sure that he monitors anything other than tech issues on a regular basis. Might be best to change the category. Also, because of the slow speed of his link it takes him forever to resolve posts with pictures or videos embedded, and that tends to really (and understandably) irritate him.
    There are still lots of places in this technologically advanced country that don't have anything other than dial-up. The capitalist system, unfettered by government regulation, at work. Wouldn't want to knock a couple of cents off AT&T shares now, would we?
  • Replacement for UMBMX
    Hi DGoodrow. Working on updating MFO tools to include all these data (life time and full cycle rankings), even for all share classes...not just oldest (thanks to a good suggestion from Accipiter). Hit a bump in road recently, but hoping to work through it. Will post soonest.
  • Chuck Jaffe's Money Life Show: 4/24/14
    @Accipiter: Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion. Your suggestion will be forwarded to the Committee on Internet Discussion Boards that will pass it along to the Sub Committee on Mutual Fund Discussion Boards that will discuss your suggestion and rule upon it. However, because of the thousands of suggestions submitted to the various committee's it may be some time before any action can be taken. Looking at the committee calendar, it appears a decision cannot be made until some time in very late 2050.
    Ted MFO Committee Chairman
  • Very s...l...o...w...
    reply to @Accipiter: Roger that. I'll report any slowdowns as, or shortly after, they occur. Assume you want those reported on this thread rather than separately?
    sounds great.
  • Very s...l...o...w...
    reply to @Accipiter: Roger that. I'll report any slowdowns as, or shortly after, they occur. Assume you want those reported on this thread rather than separately?
  • Change request: Auto save notification
    I'll give it a try.
    Yep that's the answer. The auto save function is handy, just that the notification hindered posting on mobile.
    Thanks much Accipiter.
  • Change request: Auto save notification
    @Accipiter, thanks for the response. Did you turn off the auto save on mobile devices too? If so, can we please have it back?
    It is much more critical on a mobile device because chances of inadvertantly touching something to move away from the page are higher and going to another tab to copy and paste a URL or content often reloads the tab and so one will lose everything typed so far. The cure is worse than the problem!
    I was specific about not losing the auto save only the notification if possible.
    Sorry I posted the change request if the result is to make it worse. Sigh.
  • Change request: Auto save notification
    Thanks Accipiter. That was quick. Very much appreciated.
  • Subscribe to a Thread?
    Accipiter, thanks. I've bookmarked some threads now, and changed my account preferences, so will see if I start getting emails. thanks a lot
  • Fixed Income Choice for 2014
    Using Accipiter's Miraculous Multi-Search, I screened for High Yield Taxable Bond Funds in Risk Group 1 or 2 that are also Great Owls...
    Turned-up a pretty good list of options:
  • Here we are!
    Just wanted to say THANK YOU to Accipiter, Chip, the entire staff - and especially Professor Snowball for this awesome site. Agree with your removing of the owl eyes, as it looks much cleaner now. My earlier concern about lack of a "reply" feature doesn't seem so serious in hindsight. It really isn't that hard to fire off a zinger directed at someone if you want or need to:-)
    I read David's excellent March commentary last night. Only complaint is that I may have to pick up an extra battery for the IPad if he packs much more content into these. :-)
    A great site, and I hope many will benefit from all the collective wisdom here at MFO. Regards
  • Having trouble finding the edit feature
    I'm definitely slow, but I'm steady...thanks Accipiter.
  • Having trouble finding the edit feature
    Hi bee,
    For your post here.........move the mouse pointer into the text area of your post and then a "gear" icon will appear in the top, right corner of the text box. Hover on this and you will see options and then an "edit" icon. Click the edit, for edit. You will only be able to edit text at this time............the bold, quote and URL insert, etc. goodie boxes will not appear. You can also "drop" a URL link into the text area at this time. If you need to use the "goodie boxes", you will have to start a new comment in your own thread or "use html codes language.
    Accipiter noted that this will likely be reworked in the future.
    Take care,
  • Post your migration problems and questions here
    I was curious as to what "UnRead" might do- it seems to bring up a restricted category of communication/commentary I would guess is used for site developmental work.
    Not sure if you guys were aware of this.
    Great job on the new site setup. Got really scared a while back when you-know-who severely annoyed Accipiter...
    Regards- OJ
    Edit/Add: I'm still fooling around and trying all the buttons and gadgets. Somehow on the discussions page I caused a gear wheel to appear on the other "announcement" post, and clicking on it offered a "dismiss" option. I tried that, just to see what might happen, and sure enough the entire post "went away". Not sure how to get it back, if possible. Oddly, can't seem to make that gear wheel appear again, at least at this time.