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Why Your Cash Isn't Trash

FYI: (Click On Article Title At Top Of Google)
For some five years now, bank accounts and money-market funds have been yielding an amount that rounds to zero percent.
But if dismal interest rates have you frustrated, you may be looking at cash all wrong. It could actually be one of the best investments you own.


  • I completely understand the gist of the article and I can't argue against its merits. But in this game of accumulating wealth , one shoe does not fit all. For some cash *IS* trash and always will be. As a shorter term trader/investor my motto has always been to exploit the market for as long as you can and with as much as you can. I must have said that a 1001 times back in the 90s and it remains as true today. Whenever a particular market is beating out a rhythm of persistently rising prices in a tight controlled channel it pays to be all-aboard. And then as Darvas once said, "when the trend changes, run like a thief."
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