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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Biotech Laps The Internet

FYI: The Nasdaq Biotech and Internet groups were the two market leaders in 2013, and they both experienced massive corrections from February through April of this year. Below is a check-up on the performance of the two groups. As shown, both groups bottomed around the same time earlier this year, but Biotech has run circles around the Internet group over the last couple of months. Today's sharp breakout higher for Biotech is in stark contrast to the weakness seen in the Internet group lately.
Since the start of 2013, Biotech is up 110.4%, while the Internet group is up 59.5%. Biotech has essentially lapped the Internet group at this point. Let's see where these two groups head over the final two months of the year.


  • Just curious Ted- why is this posted under "Fund Discussions"? THERE IS NOT ONE WORD ABOUT FUNDS in this article. Be nice if you followed the same rules that you advocate for others.
  • @old_Joe There are a number of Biotech Mutual Funds along with ETFs that track biotech stocks. Don't cross swords with me you'll lose.
  • It's safe to say that "there are a number of funds" that might be affected by what John and Scott say, also.

    "Don't cross swords with me you'll lose.": Up yours, Ted!
  • @Old_Joe: .": Up yours, Ted" = low IQ
  • edited October 2014
    "Don't cross swords with me you'll lose" = juvenile schoolyard bluster (and come to think of it, not particularly high IQ, either.)
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