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"Get Back On Board - Damn It!" (really OT)

edited January 2012 in Off-Topic
Italy has a new national hero - the harbor master who ordered Concordia captain to return to his vessel. (please delete if too OT. Couldn't resist)


  • edited January 2012
    Aww, comm'on Hank- the poor guy slipped and fell into the lifeboat. And it was dark, too. And he could have fallen into the water trying to get back on. And besides, he was cold and hungry. Jeeze.

    The T-shirts are pretty cool, though. You gotta love the Italians.

    Half Disclosure: I be half a one.
  • edited January 2012
    Yep. Gotta get one of them T Shirts (in English). Just let's not use this to start drawin comparisons to Italy's economy. Would be damn unfair. (-;
  • The Italians run their economy about as good as they fight wars, which ain't very. What the heck... there's more important stuff... like good food and good wine and pretty women, for example.
  • Reply to @Old_Joe: not much more important than those three.
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