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Exclusive MFO Interview: Zuckerberg Braces For ‘Hard Questions’

FYI: Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg will tell lawmakers this week that his company “didn’t take a broad enough view of our responsibility” and will lay out steps to make it right, after revelations about the abuse of users’ personal information and election interference by Russian operatives.


  • *chuckle* :)
  • Today's testimony is interesting to say the least. He is more interested in protecting his own privacy. Steve Wozniak said it all when he deleted his FB account.
  • I watched some of this on c-span. It was almost comical if not painful how Internet-illiterate our leaders are. What was hard about the questions was these men were reading from notes someone gave them but didn't know themselves what they were asking for.

    What else dawned on me was why we came to a place where Zuckerberg needed to be questioned. Our so called leaders are so illiterate, the problems that are popping up now are a direct result of their own incompetence. Zuckerberg, for better or worst, is working within the confines of the rules. It's just that there are no rules, no personal protection, no country protection, no protection from outside terrorists or Russians. So congress, to appear they are doing something for there voting base, puts on a show and focuses the spot light on him (Z), not themselves!
  • That is for sure. FB is making money off your personal data without consent and consequences. A composite profile (sounds like FBI) can be created based on your comments, shopping habit, friends, travel preference and political view with surprising accuracy. Steve Wozniak deleted his FB account for good reason.
  • @MikeM- Thanks for the comments. I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, we see the same pathetic ignorance on the part of most congressmen and senators on other important topics as well: financial matters, for one. The same pattern always- old farts, who have no actual concept of vital detail, reading from notes prepared for them by staff members.

    About the only thing that most of these clowns have in-depth knowledge of and are expert at is getting re-elected (and where to find the money for that).

    There are a very few exceptions (Senator Feinstein comes to mind), but for the most part Congress is a wasteland of ignorance and deceit.
  • This whole thing is an entire waste of time.
  • edited April 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited April 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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