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edited July 2018 in Off-Topic
Nancy Pelosi on Jeopardy tonight. Not a contestant, though...just reading clues re Congress category.


  • Why? These people are suppose to serve us. We turn them into celebrities and then complain. Leave them alone, and then they will fill the need to do their jobs properly instead of pandering to the public.

    Everyone is a freakin' celebrity.
  • My biggest complaint about Jeopardy is the phrasing of some of the questions...sometimes it is ambiguous exactly what they're looking for. I always wanted to be a contestant, but I think that window is closing fast...if not already on lockdown. My recall is definitely compromised with age.
  • edited July 2018
    My mom likes to play via Alexa, provided by google or amazon. I try to play, but the computerized voice always garbles some key phrases and syllables. Then I get mad at Alexa, and talk sarcastically to "her." Funnier still is that my mother (88) gets mad at ME for doing so. I hope that if I reach 88, my sense of humor will not have been surgically removed!
  • I confess. I always watch Jeopardy. Saw Pelosi tonight. In most circumstances, it is usually apparent one of the contestants seems more adept than the other two, however their risk management is lacking in Daily Double/Final Jeopardy. I would like to see the statistics on Final Jeopardy. It seems the more successful wager is zero.
  • @shipwreckedandalone Same. And your theory about Final Jeopardy was spot on with tonight's show! The other thing I have noticed...and I might be wrong because I'm usually multi-tasking when we watch that the prize money accrued by the two non-winning contestants reverts to $1000 after the game is over, regardless of the amount accumulated before Final Jeopardy?
  • Little5bee, yes I am also unclear on the runners up winnings. Next week the best of the best compete against each other. They need a Seniors Jeopardy for those unfortunate over 70 years of age with time limited recall challenges. That would be fun to watch.:)
  • @shipwreckedandalone Seniors Jeopardy is a great idea! No troublesome categories like "Pop Culture" or "Before and After"! My husband hates "Before and After"...says it's not trivia, so shouldn't be on the show.
  • @ Members Members: The top scorer(s) in each game retain the value of their winnings in cash, and return to play in the next match. Non-winners receive consolation prizes. Since May 16, 2002, consolation prizes have been $2,000 for the second-place contestant(s) and $1,000 for the third-place contestant. The Linkster and his wife watch the show almost every day.
  • Ted said:

    @ Members Members: The top scorer(s) in each game retain the value of their winnings in cash, and return to play in the next match. Non-winners receive consolation prizes. Since May 16, 2002, consolation prizes have been $2,000 for the second-place contestant(s) and $1,000 for the third-place contestant. The Linkster and his wife watch the show almost every day.

    Unless I was in the lead with no one else within earshot, I would always bet the farm then. Thanks, @Ted! I will file this away and hopefully wait for Seniors Jeopardy.

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