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Here Comes A New $160 Billion Asset Manager: Sun Life

FYI: Insurer Sun Life Financial has created an independent business, bringing together its affiliated asset management firms and the investment capabilities of its general account under a new brand called SLC Management.

This launch caps off six years of work. In 2012, Sun Life started building an asset management business to offer outside clients the strategies it uses for its own portfolio, such as commercial mortgages, liability-driven investing, and real estate.


  • Canadian Insurance Co. from years ago. Step into Mr. Peabody's Way-back Machine. My wife's 403b is with an insurance company: Mass. Mutual--- because no other choice is offered. I've always steered clear of funds run by insurers, rather that companies whose main thing is mutual funds. Like a million other spin-offs, they can legally say it's a stand-alone.
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