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I know people here including me hold PIMIX or PONAX. It did outstanding during the financial crisis but is currently getting beat up, and kinda has (or underperforming) for the last few years. Kinda wondering if it's really worth holding onto at this point. What is happening with PIMIX these days? Thanks for the help!


  • edited March 2020
    Hi @Starchild,

    I'm thinking that it has become crunch time for many investors that are on leverage as they are having to sell the good stuff (bonds, gold, etc.) to meet margin calls. And, perhaps there is a rotation now taking place with some that sought cover in bonds moving back to equities. After all, equties are a whole lot cheaper as I write than they were a month ago.

    I own PONAX which is down ytd -2.68% while PINCX is up 3.74%. I learned of PINCX a few years back when Jdffrey Saut was with Raymond James. He touted this fund and said it was also one of his holdings. I've now have PINCX on my watch list and may soon add it to my buy list. I believe FD1000 made mention of PINCX in one of his recent post.
  • Yes, but My bond funds are ironically cheaper than they were a month ago, too. PTIAX PRSNX RPSIX--- which does hold a small slice of equities.
  • I have owned Rpsix for well over a decade. Very happy with it comfortable sticking with it thru the chaos
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