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Three simple acts can stop Covid-19 outbreaks, study finds

edited July 2020 in Off-Topic
If people washed their hands regularly, wore masks, and kept their social distance from each other, these three simple behaviors could stop most all of the Covid-19 pandemic, even without a vaccine or additional treatments, according to a new study.

The contact rates in the study were based on people's interaction in the Netherlands, but the model is appropriate for other Western countries, the researchers at the University Medical Center Utrecht said


  • Thank you. Great stuff.

    Vaccines will come late this year or early next week as good progress is advancing. Question after that is how to distribute millions of dosage to the general population.
  • duh

    whatever will people do, esp murrican freeeeeedumb my-rights indies, when a real plague comes? unlike this JV warmup
  • Die (but freely).
  • From a NY Times interview with Dr. Fauci
    How much faith do you have in people to pivot and change their behaviors?

    It’s disconcerting when you see people are not listening. I could show you some of the emails and texts I get — everybody seems to have my cellphone number — that are pretty hostile about what I’m doing, as if I’m encroaching upon their individual liberties.

    Can you read me one?

  • Above all Dr. Fauci is a medical doctor and a scientist. He is the leading expert in infectious diseases while leading NIH for the past 40 years! When he speaks, I listen since he knows a lot more about this carvonavirus than I. As the country with the highest COVID infection cases, the situation would be very different if the administration would enbrace science in order direct the public health policy appropriately.
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