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Republicans Will Take Their Assault on Democracy to Congress—and It Will Be Awful
As such, they are determined to disregard the mandate Biden earned in an election that was not, by any measure, close. Biden currently leads Trump by 7,060,000 votes nationally and has received 51.3 percent of the popular vote. He’s got a higher percentage of the vote than any rival to an incumbent since Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt upended Republican Herbert Hoover in 1932. Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College win, which was confirmed Monday in state capitols across the country, is even more impressive. He has secured a better Electoral College percentage than a dozen presidents who have been elected over the past 231 years, including John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
So who could object?

Meet Mo Brooks, the Republican Representative from northern Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District. Several years ago, the Lugar Center, which seeks to promote informed and honest debate in Washington, rated Brooks as the most partisan member of the House. And the congressman, who says Democratic supporters of racial justice are waging a “war on whites,” is determined to retain the title.

Brooks has been signaling for several weeks that he plans to lead a drive to object to the Electoral College result when it is formally presented for congressional review on January 6. Spouting the same pants-on-fire lies as Trump, Brooks says, “In my judgment, if only lawful votes by eligible American citizens were cast, Donald Trump won the Electoral College by a significant margin, and Congress’s certification should reflect that. This election was stolen by the socialists engaging in extraordinary voter fraud and election theft measures.”

Despite the fact that this is nonsense, Brooks says Republican House members are lining up to join in his fight to disrupt democracy. “Quite frankly, we might have to toss a coin or draw straws for the different states,” the congressman told Newsweek. “We have so many people that are wanting to do it.”

That’s an unsettling notion, but not a surprising one. Last week, 126 House Republicans, including minority leader Kevin McCarthy, minority whip Steve Scalise, and Republican Policy Committee Chairman Gary Palmer signed on to an amicus brief supporting a lawsuit by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asking the US Supreme Court to block electoral votes from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia from being cast for Biden.

The high court rejected the lawsuit, as local, state, and federal courts have dismissed dozens of suits by Trump’s legal team. But, while jurists deal in facts and precedents, members of Congress like Brooks and the more than 60 percent of the House Republican Caucus who signed on to the brief in the Texas case are not compelled—or inclined—to accept reality. So Brooks is pressing forward, claiming, “We have a superior role under the Constitution than the Supreme Court does, than any federal court judge does, than any state court judge does. What we say, goes. That’s the final verdict.”


  • IIRC, after "Big Mo" Brooks gets a GOP Senator to support him(insert name of a$$hole here, I'm going with Ron Johnson(WI)), both chambers would have to vote "yes" to support this, and fortunately Dems(by a slim margin) control the House and would slap down this Seditionist exercise ! At this point ,in the future , I can't foresee an election where Dems win the Presidency but lose both the House and Senate.
  • "...stolen by the socialists." As if being Socialist were a crime. Sadly, @carew388 might be right about the top of the ballot vs. down-ballot races. We are already two countries under a single flag. I can't buy absolutely all the Political Correctness crap. But I can't be a member of a Party/Cult which cares only about protecting Big Money's interests. The Demublicans are not much better, either.
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