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Beef Devouring the Amazon Rainforest

edited May 2022 in Off-Topic
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Post wins a Pulitzer for this:
The article is long but the sheer depth of the investigative reporting is impressive. Also, one of the few articles I’ve seen that really uses the potential of the Internet very well, especially with the aerial photography and maps.


  • Certainly a detailed and thorough report. Unfortunately, little has changed since the last such report, also spotlighting JBS, that I recall reading quite a while ago.

    Nothing will change unless the Brazilian government gets serious about this. And the government has no intention of getting serious about this as long as Bolsonaro is running it.

  • edited May 2022
    Thanks, LB. Read the same topic on VOX.

    Our family is doing a small part to help the rain forest. We are mostly vegetarian and have not consume beef or pork in decades.
  • Same chez nous, @Sven. No animal flesh, dairy, or chemical additives. My cholesterol has dropped in the last several years from 137 to 106. It is said that the most positive step one can take towards saving the planet is to cut out hamburger once a week.œ
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