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Negative effects of onling gambling?

Anyone else here kind of fed up with all the gambling bullshit commercials and their watching sports interrupted by posting of gambling odds etc? As a ex athlete in my youth this is anathema to anything related to ethical athletic endeavors. Many articles realted to gambling addiction problems popping up everywhere and noticeably with younger folks. Ah, but ya, the tax revenue...all bullshit similar to legalizing the weed...


  • edited February 2023
    +1 - But that’s the way things are. At a very personal level I have in the past enjoyed plunking down an occasional $5 or $10 on the outcome of an NBA game I planned to watch in real time. (Kinda lost interest lately.) So perhaps I’m being hypocritical here.

    Gambling can be addictive, as can alcohol, prescription and non-prescription drugs, tobacco and caffeine. It can and has destroyed many lives. I fear for many of the most vulnerable in this no-holes-bared media AD environment. Unsanctioned, untaxed and unregulated gambling / sports gambling supports organized crime and robs federal, state, local treasuries of tax revenue. Perhaps better to have it in an open regulated form from that standpoint.

    It’s hard to change human behavior. We learned that with prohibition in the ‘20s. And many states have now legalized marijuana. We prohibit tobacco ads on TV. I would strongly support doing the same with alcohol and gambling ads. Would do a lot to protect the young and the most vulnerable among us.
  • edited February 2023
    "Anyone else here kind of fed up with all the gambling bullshit commercials"

    No- we solved all of this crap by never watching anything other than PBS, and streaming some stuff from Amazon Prime. The "Bosch" series was pretty good, and no commercials.

    Fifty years ago we were pretty much on the cutting edge of TV technology, with the latest Sony Trinitron, and RCA video tape recorders. Since then, it would be interesting to draw a graph with two lines- one showing the steady progress in technical transmission excellence, the other showing the steady deterioration in programming quality.
  • @Old_Joe : May I add to the above post, [ deterioration of society.]
    As far as I can remember, that Trinitron was one heavy boob tube !
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