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retirement happiness item. from cnbc

"Cultivate relationships."
Well, OK. I always did value my private time. Like Shelby Foote has said: "Parties are so boring." It's easier while you're a student. And there's nothing like working HARD together on a project to bring people together. I recall my days as a Camp Counselor in the hot Florida sun. Florida was a very different place, then.

I do not miss the invasions of privacy and the lack of healthy interpersonal boundaries and simple courtesy and respect during my career years. You want to study theology? Stay in Academia, don't become a pastor.... Retirement happiness? Sleep late, just because you CAN, now! Enjoy the time NOT spent in useless meetings with pre-determined outcomes. Go birdwatching, enjoy Nature. Watch your garden grow. Rejoice as new flowers and vegetables come up. Take your spouse to the Opera. And I'm lucky to have found a church where the music is beyond fabulous and exquisite. I can recall an organist where I served who could not even keep time!

I've moved around quite a bit. Don't let inertia keep you from going somewhere else, where there is more to do and see, and less bullshit. I don't need snow, but some folks enjoy it. I've had more than my share.


  • edited March 2023
    Well, good ole Shelby Foote and joy without a bottle are strange bed fellows.
  • edited March 2023
    Am I reading that right? Was he a tippler? I did not know that. I so much enjoyed his contributions to the K. Burns Civil War Series. And I'm into one of the many volumes he wrote on that War at the moment. Such a storyteller. And this is fact, not fiction!
  • edited March 2023
    I knew you would ask and I can't find a link to prove it but one of the Percy's recounted their friendship with him and I left with the distinct impression that he enjoyed a bottle more than a bit. I seem also to remember growing up that there were similar comments from other people in the community. Not finding it in the history search I just made, I am wondering if I got it wrong.

    Hey, is this how fake news starts. Old ladies repeat a "truth/memory" before they check it out?
  • LOL. I believe you, Anna. You're from down that way, are you?
  • edited March 2023
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