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Jason Zweig

JZ, probably the most thoughtful of us, hasn't published an entire since May. When I reached out, the auto-reply was "I'm on book leave for the next several months." Interesting. He gave no hint that his 5/26 column (on cash) would be his last for a while.

I'll be curious to hear if he responds to my note. He's been very polite in the past.


  • Jason waved. I did not pry about his book topic (investing, do you think?) and he didn't volunteer. He did say that he's on a book leave through the end of the year, and will be back in 2024.

    Given the ... hmmm, "turmoil" sounds negative ... re-invigoration of the Journal's reporting operations under their new editor, it might have been a propitious time for a sabbatical.
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