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The Great Paradox of the U.S. Market! - By Jeremy Grantham

edited March 12 in Other Investing
FWIW - Brief review of market conditions. This simple definition caught my eye:
The essence of a quality stock is a high stable return on equity and an impeccable balance sheet.


  • Good read but no surprises for anyone who has followed Grantham even peripherally.

    I am not sure even his QUAL and recommended non-US stocks will survive the apocalypse he sees coming in the climate and human health. Nanoplastics are a real threat as are PFAS etc.
  • edited March 13
    Grantham has been a bear and wrong since 2010.
    Link second paragraph.
  • Made one great call in 2008, 2009 though as to when to get back in, wrong ever since...and his colleague Ben inker used to have the go to allocation fund...big on emerging markets because of the value allegedly. Crapola results for long time....but doesn't graham sound so certain of his viewpoints? Confidently wrong as my supervisor, I mean my wife would say.... Lends credence to the perspective that no one knows for certain anything when it comes to markets
  • edited March 13
    David Snowball wrote in the March 2024 Commentary that:
    If you believe that The Great Distortion has ended, that inflation is real, and that interest rates will not return to the zero-to-negative range they occupied since 2008, then you might also want to take GMO’s projection more seriously.
    The Great Distortion

    I do not think the Federal Reserve Bank is about to abandon its 21st century activist approach. However, the economic conditions and the related constraints it is confronting in this decade are quite different than those that dominated the prior decade. As such, the metrics GMO relies on may once again prove to be important as the decade proceeds.
  • edited March 13
    Sure, anything can happen but I have been reading that this time, really, is the right time..for years already.
    I also read in 2008, 2020, 2022, that the Fed hands are tight we are.

    I always believed in investing in the market you have, not the one you may or anticipate you have.

    And for some, like me, volatility matters.
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