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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • Maybe they could keep the fees the same and have a functioning website and good customer service.
  • Most are going down only 1 basis point. Not sure why it's generating this level of media coverage ... it's a non-issue for most people who wouldn't even notice.
  • edited February 3
    fundfun said:

    Maybe they could keep the fees the same and have a functioning website and good customer service.

    My thought too.:)

    I’m thinking if this gets enough positive PR in the press it will encourage more retail investors to plow more money into VOO. Just what we need! Pedal to the metal!
  • edited February 3
    fundfun said:

    Maybe they could keep the fees the same and have a functioning website and good customer service.

    This former Vanguard customer would have preferred these improvements
    rather than lowering expense ratios a couple of bps.
  • edited February 3
    rforno said:

    Most are going down only 1 basis point. Not sure why it's generating this level of media coverage ... it's a non-issue for most people who wouldn't even notice.

    Yup. The media needs something to rant about on an otherwise slow day I guess. VG’s move reminds me of the “Razzle Dazzle” act in Chicago. A marvelous performance. If anyone cares to watch I’ve linked it below. Half-dozen different lines could apply to VG’s situation.:)

    View Here (Funky video. Seems to work best if you first tap on the screen expander button in the lower right of the frame.)
  • beebee
    edited February 3
    rforno said:

    Most are going down only 1 basis point. Not sure why it's generating this level of media coverage ... it's a non-issue for most people who wouldn't even notice.

    Vanguard drop it's fees 50%

    - that's the kinda hype going from 1.5 basis point to 1 basis point creates... not much in your pocket, but it's a 50% savings!

  • never could envision a day when van primecap would be begging for flows AND dropping fees.
    it's not just their mag7 underweight (which i applaud as it speaks more to risk consistency), but refusal to see the superior tax trading structure of etfs for a very long time.

    of course mass mkt would expect even lower fees w/etf, but its not really indexers they will attract.
  • edited February 8
    FYI - I just happen to remember (notice) that Vanguard does not have an account level setting for "Cost Basis Method" for stocks / ETFs and one has to select the Cost Basis Method for each stock / ETF separately. Of course, one can change this before the settlement of a sale.

    At my other brokerages, this feature is available as an account level setting and so I do not have to remember for each new purchase.
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