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Open Thread: What Funds Are You Buying/Selling/Pondering



  • Reply to @johnN:
    How liquid is such a purchase as this, if you had to sell this immediate?
    What are the buy and sell fees?
  • It was fun while it lasted but I think the bloom is off the high flyers in biotech ala ACAD, NPSP and others. But could be dead wrong. I am trying to transition into oil. Hold HAL, EOG, and looking to buy APC. Also hold ABC a real steady eddie as well as DEPO, LGND, and MYL. As for funds back heavy (over 50%) in junk bonds ala WHIYX. The 7%+ yield is nice and junk has held like a rock, actually climbed during the past month's chaos in the stock market.
  • Reply to @Junkster: Agree re: ABC.
  • A hold on all of my funds, neither adding to nor reducing, but I keep waiting for my GLD to go up, and I have been watching it sink since I got it. I did sell half about 4 months ago. It's in my Roth, so plenty of time, but have been so surprised by it not going up with all this political turmoil. It's only 2% of portfolio, but I hate looking at over 20% loss. Only other one I am pondering selling is BBBY. I keep raising the stop, and it has come close, but no cigar. Over 35% profit in it since last December, likely will sell it in the next 6 mnths, I have a wait and see attitude right now. I am fairly happy with all of my funds:)
  • edited October 2013
    Reply to @catch22: hello sir, it's not too hard to sell, but the brokerage firm 'has to make a little $$' so if the purchse priced around 83 cents they may buy it from you form 77 cents or so and + 10 dollars fee/transactions. The select note trust is rated BBB+ so it's not hard to sell. Sometimes you buy junk bonds rated ccc or below and those are hard to sell. I am still stuck with TXU bond [company may default] been trying to sell this bond for the past few months but it's difficult since no one/bond desk wants to buy it. it's not too hard to sell in schwab account - I think all their bonds are very safe since all bonds > BBB rated [IMHO]. I am sort of buy/hold so has not sell much recently. zions direct bond may have lots of junk bonds and these are a little more difficult to sell. I think junskster has more experience in buying/selling these private securities and bonds. The select note trust you can buy 5k or 10k etc and got it from schwab....
    personally I think you make much more money since you only have to pay 10 bucks/transactions, no annual fees, and if you hold it until maturity you'll get all your cash back, and you get annual yield of > 7% for selected note trust
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