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Jupiter passing nearer than ever, since 1963

The sun, Earth and Jupiter will nearly align perfectly in the solar system on Monday, Sept. 26, during an event that happens once every 13 months called the Jupiter opposition. This is also around the same time that the gas giant is closest to the Earth... Just one day before opposition, Jupiter will be around 367 million miles away from the Earth, the closest the two planets have been in 59 years, according to NASA. The last time that Jupiter was this close was in 1963.


  • Wow. Thanks. I haven’t noticed Jupiter nights lately. Maybe it rises late. Will keep an eye out. Saturn (yellowish) was pretty visible a month ago. Mars, methinks, is clearly visible evenings now.
  • edited September 2022
    I wish I could catch it all. Way too much light pollution in the city here. @hank.
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