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Opinion: These 'Diversified' Stock Funds Spread Your Money Too Thin
As a shareholder in Fidelity OTC ia m quite aware its mostly in tech but I also believe that almost no one who invests in this fund is unaware of the overweight.
Hate Motley Fool, although I gotta say, FOOLX has done better than I'd thought it would.
When they came out with FOOLX, Motley Fool had a lot of persons angry with them, because the expense ratio was sky high. They recently lowered the expense ratio, I'm sure due to pressure from shareholders and perspective shareholders.
It was very hypocritical of them to have launched the fund with a sky high expense ratio, having criticized high expense ratio funds for years.
It was very hypocritical of them to have launched the fund with a sky high expense ratio, having criticized high expense ratio funds for years.