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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Fund Managers Who Called Oil Debacle Say They'll Stay Away For Years

FYI: A number of mutual fund managers who dumped their shares in energy companies before oil slid to 12-year lows now see themselves avoiding the sector for years to come rather than picking up shares trading at their cheapest levels in years.


  • The article is ridiculous. Tanaka has only about $17 million with a 2.45% expense ratio, while Polen, Jensen, and Destra (another teeny one) never owned any energy stocks. And the reference to Doll's Nuveen fund...he wasn't even part of Nuveen until the 2013 referenced date. This is such poor journalistic research. They could have at least attempted to find a major fund/manager who has actually made big changes.
  • @MFO Members: BobC makes a very valid point regarding the author David Randall. Therefore, David this ones for you.
  • You guys are pretty hard on Randall... it's Monday you know, and really hard to do good work first thing in the week.
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