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Are European Stocks Cheap Or Is The U.S. Expensive?

FYI: One of the most counterintuitive aspects of investing is the fact that you almost need to have bad news for things to get cheap enough to create a good long-term value. Markets or securities don’t become undervalued all on their own. There’s usually a catalyst involved in the form of poor fundamentals, bad news, missed expectations or a combination of things.


  • edited March 2016
    For the time being, it feels to me that European traders are extremely displeased about something(s) and are starting to express it. I'm thinking we could get a great European buying opportunity into a very large and developed economy, one that could have a long run, before we get another one here. It hasn't happened for quite a while, but it has happened and delivered remarkable returns in the past. Patience may provide a reward; until the moment arrives, though, I think I'm gonna let others step on the land mines.
  • edited March 2016
    "I think I'm gonna let others step on the land mines."

    That's pretty cowardly. How we gonna look up to you as a hero and maybe even a smallish statue if you just be hide in the trenches with us?
  • edited March 2016
    @Old_Joe He who hides or stays away.... may have some dollars to play another day. Or something like that. On the other hand, just a small bust, next to the ostentatious mausoleum I plan to have erected to hold my less than sacred remains, would be a nice touch to further impress future Big City cemetery joggers as to what a rich and influential person I must have once been.:)
  • Heezsafe, "land mines" in the local patois hereabouts refers to dog plop in the parks. Are Euro stocks somehow related?
  • @heezsafe- a small bust, eh? Reminds me of my portfolio last year.
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