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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Barry Ritholtz: People Get Creative When Explaining The Market Correction

FYI: One of the more fascinating aspects about people and markets is how uncertain we are about what will happen next, yet so cocksure in our explanations of what just occurred. This raises an overlooked question: If it were so simple and predictable -- obvious, even -- then why didn’t we see it coming in advance and prepare for it? 1


  • I've been watching some of the talking heads on CNBC and Fox Business and it is quite humorous to hear them explain what is going on. They will say we are near the bottom and then the market drops another 1,000 points and they say we could drop another 5-10 % LOL...I won't name any names but a few of them remind me of my last car salesman - sharp dressers, quick talkers, hand gestures everywhere. When you look at their eyes on TV, you get the feeling that they don't quite believe everything they say. Some of the shows remind me of infomercials. Maybe I'm psychoanalyzing too much. Just my instinct.
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