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Member, TBO Private


  • @Dale_S, Hi I will email you with my name, address, phone, and loss amount now. I did say how much I lost on this post for balyan55 but didn't send other needed info. Do you want me to call my FBI here in SF or did you say that the one in Denver has contacted the other jurisdictions? When I submitted a tip to FBI/IC3, I did get a case # but no one has called nor emailed me. I had already initiated complaint for NC SOS and they called next day with a secure email to upload evidence which I did.
    November 2022
  • I am not a savvy investor because I didn't know to check finra or sec or brokercheck for tbo capital before investing but I did google them to see if there were any bad reviews or articles or scams and I did talk to someone on phone 3x (elaine blancaflor) at tbo capital; I even have email communications with [email protected] with cc to 3 other people at tbo capital like Kris.boaz, elaine blancaflor, Michael jobs and an article attached to email from David Freeman. I asked and studied the annual report/prospectus and they had good information but the over 30% returns and no negative returns for past 5 years should of been a red flag to me but my greed took over and I paid for that dearly. I JUST HOPE WE GET OUR MONEY BACK.

    Some people here are saying Bank of America told them they were able to recover money? I have bank of america too where I sent the wire from; Please keep us posted.
    October 2022
  • I just posted in your blog thanks.
    October 2022
  • Hi! I am not sure if this was the way to private message? Please let me know if you get this. My name is Teresa. Michael is my husband and he is also here with me and posts sometimes as well so you will get one of us. We basically lost our life savings to TBO so we are SUPER motivated to do what is needed.
    October 2022
  • I called & left messages for 3 lawyers & explained my issue of being scammed of $$ from sending wire to hmc trading at wells fargo but nobody has called back.

    These american SOS for creating & maintaining LLC should make sure the companies are REAL! Verify company address & member/manager names by asking for identification like passport or driver's or ssn so it can be tracked down. I think whoever did this scam is eastern European. The sales lady at TBO I talked to had estern Europe accent. I could not tell which country. It wasn't heavy accent like Russia but there was an accent for sure.

    I lost only 10% of my worth but still I feel very bad & stupid. When I asked them why am I writing check to hmc trading vs tbo capital, they said hmc is their custodian. I asked Wells Fargo if there is such things, they said yes.

    If lawyers are no use, an agency called me and said they can find scammers anywhere for $5500. They say they have connections. Let me find their email.
    October 2022
  • Hi, I am Bob and also a victim of TBO. One good step is to file a fraudulent claim with the bank you used to send funds to TBO Capital. TBO used a bank account with Wells Fargo so it is under the SWIFT banking system which has international reach. That is what I heard anyway. I am only 50% hopeful and trying to cope with funds being gone.

    I talked to a few investment fraud and ponzi attorneys and they are not useful. They only deal with fraud through a securities broker that is still in business and can be contacted.
    October 2022
  • Hi Everyone, my name is Lucy and I was also a victim of TBO Capital Group;
    I reported to, and CA state attorney; No one has called me yet;
    I reported to my bank who contacted receiving bank;
    My wire instructions was to send it to HMC Trading; Bravo Louise for finding out who the person behind it is; HMC Trading Co or HMC trading LLC; One of them had the Morrisville, NY address which is a UPS store.
    I am going to report it on IC3 (federal government site I think). So they just blocked everyone and dissappeared within a week or so ago. Wow I am so glad I tried to login again after 2 weeks ago when I had access.
    October 2022
  • Dale, filing a complaint with the SEC about the fraudulent TBO Capital group won`t do much good. This guy has covered his tracks thoroughly. All the LinkedIn profiles were also fake along with the stock photos he used. Multiple addresses were also used. If you search for his actual name: Darius Karpavicius, that also will lead nowhere. If you wired any money to fund your account made out to HMC Trading, LLC - that is the name that comes up. That`s as far as I was able to go. Scammers know how to effectively scam and most don`t get caught. Our funds are gone, gone, and gone.
    October 2022