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  • TedTed
    edited February 2015
    @JohnChisum: Never was much of a Sci-Fi fan, but I did watch Star Trek
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
  • I always was a huge fan of the original Star Trek and its movies. I remember sitting in the dorm lounge in college watching it with all the other trekkies. Live long and prosper in your new home Mr. Spock
  • I thought highly of Mr. Nimoy but I can't stomach William Shatner. I just never got into Star Trek, but Star Wars, now that's a different story.
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  • I was in high school when the original tv series ran. Loved Mr. Spock. COPD got him. Remember the "Genesis Project," which gave Mr. Spock new life in one or another of those films? Live long and prosper.

  • I only saw a very few episodes of the original Star Trek, but some aspects of Leonard Nimoy's role were reprised in the "logical" role of Data in "Star Trek: The Next Generation". That series I not only watched on TV, but we later got the entire series on DVD, and frequently watch an episode during dinner. I know them all pretty much from memory at this point, all seven years worth, but my wife got hooked too, and so now I'm seeing them for at least the fifth time.

    Darned good writing on that series, I thought. Lots of good stories, many of them exploring contemporary social issues. And talk about prescience with respect to technology! The other night I was watching one of the crew using a slim handheld iPad sort of thing that wouldn't be invented for another twenty years.

    Star Wars now, that's a different story. Pretty much just a Western shoot-em-up relocated to space. Good guys, bad guys, lots of shooting and evildoing, with the cavalry arriving in the nick of time. Fun, but not too original, I thought. (No offense intended, Mark.) :)
  • Fascinating.
  • Mr. Spock kept his investing technique very simple. One tidbit I remember was the penny multiplier.

    Take a penny, double it every day and in less than a month you will have a million dollars.

    If taken out to the full 30 days, it comes to over $5 million. Not bad for one penny.

  • I can open my fingers that way...if I try real hard.... rt. hand easier than left
  • Mr. Spock kept his investing technique very simple. One tidbit I remember was the penny multiplier.

    Take a penny, double it every day and in less than a month you will have a million dollars.

    If taken out to the full 30 days, it comes to over $5 million. Not bad for one penny.

    John: huh?
  • Give me an investment (fund if you want) that returns 10% a year, I'll invest $500,000 and in 7 years I'll be a millionaire..... Not bad......I don't need Spock
  • edited February 2015
    "John: huh? "

    @Crash, It might sound unbelievable but it is true. Here is one link that spells it out. Note how they rounded the numbers down to make the math easier to follow. The actual answer is much more than that.

    I credited Spock for this only because it was a quote of his from the original Star Trek series. In reality, someone else came up with the calculation. It also proves the power of compounding over time. Note how it builds slowly then all of a sudden explodes, much like the many charts we see.
  • My Gawd. Inconceivable!
  • In addition to Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy was part of the TV series Mission Impossible for awhile. Yes, I enjoyed Star Trek growing up and become to appreciate the broader social messages. The follow-on shows never share the same level of impact at least on a personal level. Will miss Mr. Spock for sure!
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  • edited March 2015
    It's a logical conclusion that Spock will live on forever via the timeless originals of the 1960's Star Trek.

    First Mork and now Spock, earth is in need of more of these friendly extraterrestrials...
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