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In this Discussion

  • hank February 2016
  • Ted February 2016
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Oil's well......or NOT!

I've been intrigued by the quiet this week on oil. Deafening, in fact, it seems to me. Something is up.....big, maybe....too quiet for it not to be. The market is closed on Monday. China opens this week. The war of 1812 continues. The talk of negative rates also makes me cringe. I'm thinking '08 again. I thought giving free money to buy cars was bad enough. Is this what you do when there's so much money around and no one will give you anything for it? Here, have some! It's free! And I'm not using it anyway. lol As I have posted many times, deflation is my greatest fear. As many have shot the beast, none can stop it. I fear the worst is yet to come. The dollar getting weaker is the key. Duke and I think we've talked about it much this week. It's the key to what ails the world right now. Think commodity prices, foreign dollar debt,.....I wonder what Volcker thinks as he slew the greatest beast of our generation, and now it's come to this. I remember my parents saying that, when they were young, no one had money. There just wasn't any around......paper or coin back in the day. Funny how things change for the better....(i.e., sarcasm intended: my dad showed me some Barr dollars he saved over the years from the 60's, I think.....or not. He seems to think they're worth something. I don't know. I wonder if anybody shorted the Takata company stock as it seems like the subprime thing, with everybody left holding the bag.)
God bless
the Pudd


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