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What Are You ... Buying ... Selling ... or Pondering? February 2017



  • edited February 2017
    @Mark, It wouldn't be the first time I labored under some misapprehension. While I did read it once, most sources I checked tonight put heating demand at the top of the list of things impacting nat gas price.

    However, I found one source that appears to give my statement some credence:

    "Factors on the (natural gas) demand-side include weather (temperatures), economic conditions, and petroleum prices. Cold weather (low temperatures) increases demand for heating, while hot weather (high temperatures) increases demand for cooling, which increases natural gas demand by electric power plants."

    Thanks for pointing this out. I don't wish to spread fake news here,

    PS: Just a thought - With more and more power plants converting from coal to nat gas for environmental reasons, they are probably gradually tilting the balance (in nat gas usage) away from home heating towards power generation. But to what extent? Don't know.
  • Hi Skeeter!
    By the way, we have a guy at work whose nickname is Skeeter, too.....what are the odds?
    Anyway, have opened a small position in PTIAX again. Sold it earlier in the pivot. I do believe we're going higher. The Big Guy manipulates things---the market is no different. Am going to open some funds soon in the 401. It's just $500 to open. I will watch and add later. They are PARWX, FRBAX, FJSCX. We will see if things keep going higher.
    God bless
    the Pudd
  • @ MFO Members Added to my position in PONCX. YTD 1.19% and a 4.3% yield
  • Howdy,

    Sold FCX and bought ROBO and GLDW and consolidated my junior silver plays into SVMLF and TKRFF.


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