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Ireland Tops U.S. As The Country Best Able To Feed Its People

FYI: The U.S. for the first time dropped from the top spot in a global ranking of how well countries can feed their own people, as concerns about agricultural research spending and government policy trends may make the world’s top food exporter a less-certain place to get a meal.


  • That potato famine taught them some valuable lessons.
  • I heard in the US we are spending our time developing Apps that tell you whether the baby is hungry, needs a dappy change, is sick, etc. etc., based on how its crying. Who has time to think about feeding the people?
  • Nice country to visit including Northern Ireland. Big contrast to major US cites with respect respect to homeless people. Demographic seems quite favorable comparing to the rest of Europe. Also lax tax laws attracted foreign companies to set up their manufacturing in Ireland.

    Besides it is a beautiful country to visit: lots of historical sites and rugged shoreline. One has to learn to drive on the left hand lane. It takes a day to get used to with stick shift.
  • Nice country to visit including Northern Ireland.

    Yes, we spent a few weeks there and found it to be very nice.
  • I'm a citizen of Ireland. Famous for the 12% corporate-tax. One reason why the health-plan is not up to snuff, quite.
  • Now if only they could figure out how to make Scotch:-P
  • Laugh! But I might just add that through Ireland's medical plan, all diabetes-related costs ARE covered, regardless of income. All other coverage is based on income. Either you have a card, or you don't. And if you don't, you pay more.
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