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  • Apparently Turkey government has bugged the embassy and they have both video and audio evidence.
  • edited October 2018
    Thanks @Crash

    I linked the story nearly a week ago, but it failed to gain any traction.

    Looks like the real “crime” here was in getting caught. The Saudis bungled the assassanation of a dissident newspaper reporter terribly. Very amateurish work. Hell, the assassanation squad was video-taped arriving and leaving both the local airport and the Consulate in Turkey. Doesn’t get any sloppier than that.

    In an era of reporters being routinely described by certain high ranking government officials as “the enemy of the people” ... you should be very worried.
  • Yes, a mentality like Trump would do the same sort of thing in an instant if he thought that he could get away with it. There's not a bit of difference between him and Putin in this area. After all,he would have his Attorney General to direct his "Justic Department" to cover his tracks and throw the proper fear into any reporter or news organization that dared to report factually on his government.
  • Thanks for the responses. The whole business is unspeakably evil. And such METHODS. Yes, uncle Vladimir is probably looking from a distance and thinking it was a bungled mess. Uncle Donald has no moral compass, either. If he could, he would.
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