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On posting new discussions

edited August 2023 in Technical Questions
I've always been curious who the second person to read a newly posted article is. Whenever I've posted a new article it immediately always shows "2 views" as though someone was watching and waiting as it was composed. It intrigues me to know who is so Johnny-on-the-spot. Yeah I know, I should get a life.


  • edited August 2023
    @Mark. Only @TheShadow knows …:)
  • I don't think it's a person. I think it is more likely a computer acknowledgment.
  • I think maybe it's Trump's people making a list of who to eliminate if he's reelected.
  • Old_Joe said:

    I think maybe it's Trump's people making a list of who to eliminate if he's reelected.

    Well, I’m pretty sure it isn’t the monitors …

  • ...or the Merrimacks.
  • +1 old joe I see what you did there !
  • May be not the MFO monitors, but the site hosting (Vanilla) monitors? I didn't notice it before, but if it is only 2 immediate views, that isn't bad.

    When I started posting on Facebook, I noticed that immediately there were about 15 views. At first, I thought, wow, I got a lot of dedicated viewers for a newbie poster. But then I saw the pattern - those views are by about 15 internal Facebook monitors. But then Facebook is much larger than Vanilla.

    Wonder how the sites keep track of what is posted by individuals or in boards/forums? How else will they flag site term violations? Well, this is how. They probably use automated software for this continuous monitoring. They may take their time in acting on user complaints, but site term violations are quite different.
  • edited August 2023
    Seriously (for a change)- I suspect that it's just a quirk in the Vanilla software. I'm very certain that the MFO "monitors" have a lot better things to do with their lives than sit there watching a computer screen to see if any of us are doing bad things.

    If they were watching closely they would have thrown me off MFO years ago on general principles.
  • It could be Ted, checking for duplicate links.
  • From wherever he is now. Yes, that's a real possibility.
  • Hilarious! @BenWP

    And likely true.
  • edited August 2023
    Good one Ben. :)

    I beginning to think its some kind of code. Always 2 knocks … ?

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