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  • The SEC says that it has enough tools to fight crypto abuses. But the problem with the SEC actions is that it chases bad players after the fact. Where was the SEC when "unregistered securities" were being sold?
  • edited January 2023
    I think a serious debate needs to occur with regulators as to whether crypto is or is not really an asset class that should be legal to invest in. They've been dodging this question for too long and because of that the financial services industry has created investment products around a thing that produces no cash flow, has no operating business, is not a tangible physical asset and its origins remain unknown. The question in 2023 isn't who is John Galt? It's who is Satoshi Nakamoto? And why should we trust that this anonymous inventor of a virtual thing has the world's and investors' best interests at heart?
  • Nearly as much of a bullshit alleged asset such as private credit which is marked to fantasy land, nevermind the risks this quote investment end quote poses to so many pensions...
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