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  • Sorry about that. The main item I wanted to share was the quote at the bottom of the page of this link. I've copied and pasted the quote here as well. "Marshfield is owned by its eight principals who have an average tenure of 23 years. Each princip…
    in MRFOX Comment by Roy July 13
  • I copied this from a previous discussion concerning MRFOX that I had shared. Pulled this off the Marshfield website. Marshfield is owned by its eight principals who have an average tenure of 23 years. Each principal…
    in MRFOX Comment by Roy July 13
  • Added to PDI for income. Hey @Mark, I have never owned a CEF and noticed that PDI has a high distribution ratio, 14.23% per M*. Is this payout ratio the result of leverage employed by the fund and does it also include return of principal?
  • 5 accounts = 2 Roths, 1 IRA, 1 Joint Taxable & my wife's current work plan which is a savings annuity. I don't have access to a work plan or pension, most of my working life I never have. 2 mutual funds = 90.7% 1 ETF = 2.6% 2 stocks = 3.2% …
  • My wife worked 14 years for our county and upon reaching age 62 her monthly pension benefit will be $512...we're rich! And will be living a life of leisure on our super yacht!
  • Last I checked, social security checks have never been affected by the markets either. Most individuals with good pensions have low monthly social security income because they never paid in to social security. The pension income offsets their soci…
  • So, as I shared back at the end of March that I had moved some cash that had been sitting in a MM fund to some LT Treasuries, PRULX & EDV. What a ride that turned out to be. I sold all into the rally yesterday now that the Fed announced they'll …
  • thanks @yogi, hope this is better.
  • I put this together on PV comparing GP's flagship international small cap fund (GPIOX) with PRIDX and DRIOX, 2 funds that have been in existence as long or even longer than GP. …
  • Okay, got it. I used the word "automatic" on purpose hoping for additional clarification from those of you who are much more experienced with buying/selling individual company stocks.
  • Hmmm, I know that when a mutual fund pays a distribution the share price drops accordingly, but I never knew that a dividend payment automatically has the same affect on the price of a share of common stock.
  • With all this insurance talk, I did speak to my independent agent about an umbrella policy. He is just a one agent shop and it turns out he is losing access to Grange Insurance which is where our 2 cars and homeowners' coverage is through. So, he …
  • We live in the Akron, Ohio area and use a friend for our auto and HO insurance who is an independent broker. Our coverage through him is with Grange Insurance. Our HO renewed this past February which we pay annually, premium increased 3.7% from 2/…
  • Been moving some funds that have been sitting in a MM fund for a bit into LT & Extended Duration Treasuries (PRULX & EDV). Obvious play on future interest rate reductions by the Fed rather than adding additional exposure to the stock market.…
  • Anyone moving into or adding to LT Treasuries now that the Fed is talking 3 rate decreases this year?
  • According to TRP website, TCAF has reached $1 Billion in assets. Would be Interesting to know how much of this money moved from other TRP funds and how much of it is new to TRP.
  • A number of years ago Giroux recommended a fellow TRP fund for folks who could not access PRWCX, and it was TRP Dividend Growth Fund PRDGX. It carries a much lower dividend rate than SCHD and is more focused on dividend growers and capital appreciat…
  • The unnamed NVDA end user customer that accounts for 19% of sales info came from Friday's WSJ front page article. Here is a part of that article by Gunjan Banerji. "Nvidia’s boom is largely dependent on a handful of those companies. Nvidia disclo…
  • @stillers Those of us who are regular investors have often heard investment professionals state that market volatility presents investment opportunities, and over the course of the past couple weeks you are a perfect example of this, being able to …
  • So far this week I've bought and redeemed mutual funds, bought an ETF for the first time via TRP brokerage and bought shares of common stock via TRP brokerage, all from the TRP website without a single issue. Just placed a purchase order for Wedne…
  • Initiated a position in TCAF in our taxable account today, first ETF I've ever purchased. Added to our Mastercard (MA) stock yesterday, have owned and been adding to it here and there in our taxable account since the summer of 2020 and second hal…
  • No funds were up, but nice day to initiate a position in TCAF in our taxable account. Our Mastercard (MA) stock was up though. First bought in summer of 2020.
  • As a person who has largely invested through open end mutual funds for 40 years with only holding a handful of individual stocks during that time, when I am researching mutual funds I am used to "total return" figures from mutual fund companies and …
  • Curious myself, so here goes. Since TRAIX and PRCFX make up 95% of our portfolio I'll just list the Mag 7 percentage from M* as of 12/31/23 for TRAIX, which while not perfect, will be pretty close. EDIT: I was able to come up with more accurate fi…
  • Looks like WAGNX can be bought NTF through TRP Brokerage.
  • Pulled this off the Marshfield website. Marshfield is owned by its eight principals who have an average tenure of 23 years. Each principal must invest in the same stocks that Marshfield buys for its clients and may ow…
  • Looks like PRCFX Cap App & Income pays its dividend mid-month rather than end of month. Our dividends were reinvested on the 17th.
  • Before we happened into PRWCX toward the end of 2006, we were invested directly through 8 funds and 4 different fund companies which covered LCG, LCV, SCG, SCV, real-estate and a couple bond funds. I knew nothing about DG at the time other than he a…
  • @hank Since we've moved cash we had parked in a MM and a couple bond funds to TRP Cap App & Income (PRCFX), we are back to 95% with DG. 17 years and counting. Whenever I've moved some dollars away from DG through the years it has always cost me…
  • To each his own but yeah, I don't get it.
  • @yogibearbull That's what concerns me for a good friend who is 50 years old (married) and has a retirement portfolio of a million already. He hopes to retire at 52 and is planning to be 100% invested in the SP500 until death. He scoffs at the 4% ru…
  • Oops, my bad for the confusion. Yes, I was including the 5% cash and 4% foreign bonds to make 60%.
  • If you include the 4% foreign bonds, then the bond allocation is 60% for the fund.
  • The fund prospectus is available on the TRP website. Here's a link.
  • Placed orders to establish initial positions in the fund in a number of our accounts we hold directly with TRP. I may end up using PRCFX and TRAIX/PRWCX in a similar way that others use Vanguard Wellington and Wellesley to maintain a more conserva…
  • The fund doesn't seem to be available on the TRP website, as in not even listed yet.
  • @Ben There may be more, but I'm only familiar with a couple other small/midcap balanced funds including Greenspring (GRSPX), Intrepid Capital (ICMBX) and Villere Balanced (VILLX). DGIFX shines in comparison to this list.
  • @hank Per TRP website PRWCX/TRAIX 2.68% cash as of 9/30/23. Giroux recently stated that the fund currently has its highest bond allocation since he became manager----domestic bonds at 30.96% and foreign bonds at 1.32%. I'm expecting a pretty good …
  • If FR/BL are so bullish, why have PRFRX and FFRHX been in redemption for probably 1 1/2 years? Just read in Wednesday's WSJ that individual investors have pulled $13 billion from FR/BL mutual funds and ETF's this year. Are they the "smart money" o…
  • The fund continues to hold a significant investment in bank loans, 11.2%, 7.9% in Treasury Notes, 9.4% in corporate bonds and 7.9% in a money market fund.