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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • Ignoring Energy Transition Realities as We Greenify
    If you're going to discuss something as serious as the future of the planet's environment and our energy supply, I would recommend finding a more objective source than a natural resources money manager who invests primarily in oil, nuclear power and mining has largely failed at it--
  • Ignoring Energy Transition Realities as We Greenify
    Report on Energy Transitions (from Fuller Treacy Money):
    We are making a terrible mistake when it comes to future energy policies. In previous letters, we have touched upon the challenges of the so-called “energy transition.” Today, we will explain in detail the imminent harm awaiting investors and policy makers who fail to acknowledge certain realities. Every green energy proposal we have examined relies on the trifecta of wind, solar, and electric vehicles combined with various battery technologies. In recent months, a renewed “hydrogen mania” has broken out as well, which adds a fourth leg to the green energy stool. Unfortunately, based upon our extensive research, these plans, including the current hydrogen craze, are bound to at best severely disappoint and, at worst, outright fail in what they attempt to accomplish.
    we believe there is a more straightforward, feasible solution. Nuclear power is the only technology that can provide reliable carbon-free base-load power. Any proposal seeking to seriously address carbon emissions must heavily incorporate nuclear electricity generation. Unfortunately, none of the current proposals include a material nuclear contribution. There is some reason to be optimistic however the Biden administration has acknowledged the need for nuclear power in combating climate change and may signal an important impending change in policy outlook.
    Follow up Information:
    Nuclear & Uranium ETF (NLR) pays a 2.31% dividend and has a P&E of 14
    Link to Overview:
    Vaneck Website:
    Search word "Nuclear" here at MFO:
  • Well isn't this special........D.C.
    That is a good one - moral compass! Trump never has one as his niece, Mary pointed out in her book. The only things he worships is money and power.
    Pence does not want to invoked 25th amendment. Article of impeachment takes time for voting. But he has access to the nuclear arms and that can be very dangerous for the country.
  • VanEck Vectors Coal ETF to liquidate
    In my experience, the GOP tends to care more about the unborn than the living. Force women to have babies, but provide minimal to no healthcare, daycare, education or financial assistance to the poor who are often poor because they come from broken homes with single mothers. There is also the hypocrisy of opposing women's rights to choose while supporting the death penalty, unrestricted gun rights, building up our nuclear arsenal, starting wars with countries that did not attack us and supporting drill-baby-drill energy policies--including coal mining--that are killing the planet slowly and are an existential threat to humanity. The thing about the anti-Women's rights to choose issue is it is relatively cheap for the GOP fight. It doesn't cost the party a penny to say No. It would cost a lot more for them to provide women with adequate healthcare, childcare, housing, schooling and intervention to assure a healthy upbringing for what otherwise become unwanted children.
  • The Making of Biden's Superfast Push for Clean Electricity
    I was in a side branch of this business and see a lot of grey in the topics. One thought, when determining how much solar capacity is needed the studies need to include 7 to 10 days worth of batteries to allow for a string of dreary winter days. Or, as an alternative, a supply of natural gas plants that can run when necessary. And to insure those plants are always available, they need to be duel fuel - diesel fuel - backup.
    If you want to question your beliefs (on both sides?) I recommend you check out Judith Curry’s site.
    Also books such as: Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarm Hurts Us All, by Michael Schellenberger reinforce racqueteer’s points. His primary recommendation is that the world focus on developing nuclear power.
  • The Making of Biden's Superfast Push for Clean Electricity
    Isn’t it funny how Racqueteer said five posts ago “OK, last try for me,” yet he continues to argue his false position that attempting to eviscerate a Democratic clean energy policy that doesn’t even have all its details in place yet is “not political” as if scientifically there were another better policy put forward by the political opposition. The GOP has no real clean energy policy at all because it continues to argue as part of its libertarian death cult that anthropogenic climate change is a liberal hoax or that there’s nothing little old America can do as the second largest emitter of carbon emissions in the world. If you think you have a better plan, Racqueteer, submit it to the president elect’s team or apply for a job there. I’m sure if you’re as knowledgeable as you claim, they’ll hire you. Yet why do I suspect your “last try” wasn’t your last one and we’ll have another all-cap filled response? This isn’t about the truth or solving the problem for you. It’s about winning and getting the last word. So go ahead, and when you’re done submit your better ideas to the new president.
    Oh wait, it seems like part of Biden’s failure of a clean energy plan includes nuclear:
    I guess just send your geothermal idea with your resume because no one on Biden’s team is smart enough to think of that.
  • The Making of Biden's Superfast Push for Clean Electricity
    Raq, you can't possibly say anything, even a bit, of criticism of any Dem agenda no matter what, even if you are one of them ;-) I love it.
    There is only one good doable solution NUCLEAR.
    Has its own problems, but in terms of CURRENT technology and potential for a 15-20 year rollout, yeah, it's probably the only actual potential 'solution' to the energy/pollution problem, and would probably have a positive impact on CO2 increase and its effects as well. A trade off...
  • The Making of Biden's Superfast Push for Clean Electricity
    Raq, you can't possibly say anything, even a bit, of criticism of any Dem agenda no matter what, even if you are one of them ;-) I love it.
    There is only one good doable solution NUCLEAR.
  • Janet Yellen supposedly Biden's pick for Treasury Secretary
    @wxman123 You think fighting climate change is just about saving sea otters? Bless your heart, your ignorance would be almost charming if it wasn't killing the planet:
    Burning Down the House
    Alan Weisman
    August 15, 2019 Issue
    The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
    by David Wallace-Wells
    Tim Duggan, 310 pp., $27.00
    by Bill McKibben
    Henry Holt, 291 pp., $28.00
    Climate scientists’ worst-case scenarios back in 2007, the first year the Northwest Passage became navigable without an icebreaker (today, you can book a cruise through it), have all been overtaken by the unforeseen acceleration of events. No one imagined that twelve years later the United Nations would report that we have just twelve years left to avert global catastrophe, which would involve cutting fossil-fuel use nearly by half. Since 2007, the UN now says, we’ve done everything wrong. New coal plants built since the 2015 Paris climate agreement have already doubled the equivalent coal-energy output of Russia and Japan, and 260 more are underway.
    Environmental writers today have a twofold problem. First, how to overcome readers’ resistance to ever-worsening truths, especially when climate-change denial has turned into a political credo and a highly profitable industry with its own television network (in this country, at least; state-controlled networks in autocracies elsewhere, such as Cuba, Singapore, Iran, or Russia, amount to the same thing). Second, in view of the breathless pace of new discoveries, publishing can barely keep up. Refined models continually revise earlier predictions of how quickly ice will melt, how fast and high CO2 levels and seas will rise, how much methane will be belched from thawing permafrost, how fiercely storms will blow and fires will burn, how long imperiled species can hang on, and how soon fresh water will run out (even as they try to forecast flooding from excessive rainfall). There’s a real chance that an environmental book will be obsolete by its publication date.
    I’m not the only writer to wonder whether books are still an appropriate medium to convey the frightening speed of environmental upheaval. But the environment is infinitely intricate, and mere articles—much less daily newsfeeds or Twitter—can barely scratch the surface of environmental issues, let alone explore the extent of their consequences. Ecology, after all, is about how everything connects to everything else. Something so complex and crucial still requires books to attempt to explain it.
    David Wallace-Wells’s The Uninhabitable Earth expands on his 2017 article of the same name in New York, where he’s deputy editor. It quickly became that magazine’s most viewed article ever. Some accused Wallace-Wells of sensationalism for focusing on the most extreme possibilities of what may come if we keep spewing carbon compounds skyward (as suggested by his title and his ominous opening line, the answer “is, I promise, worse than you think”). Whatever the article’s lurid appeal, I felt at the time of its publication that its detractors were mainly evading the message by maligning the messenger.
    Two years later, those critics have largely been subdued by infernos that have laid waste to huge swaths of California; successive, monstrous hurricanes—Harvey, Irma, and Maria—that devastated Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico in 2017; serial cyclone bombs exploding in America’s heartland; so-called thousand-year floods that recur every two years; polar ice shelves fracturing; and refugees pouring from desiccated East and North Africa and the Middle East, where temperatures have approached 130 degrees Fahrenheit, and from Central America, where alternating periods of drought and floods have now largely replaced normal rainfall.
    The Uninhabitable Earth, which has become a best seller, taps into the underlying emotion of the day: fear. This book is meant to scare the hell out of us, because the alarm sounded by NASA’s Jim Hansen in his electrifying 1988 congressional testimony on how we’ve trashed the atmosphere still hasn’t sufficiently registered. “More than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has been emitted in just the past three decades,” writes Wallace-Wells, “since Al Gore published his first book on climate.”
    Although Wallace-Wells protests that he’s not an environmentalist, or even drawn to nature (“I’ve never gone camping, not willingly anyway”), the environment definitely has his attention now. With mournful hindsight, he explains how we were convinced that we could survive with a 2 degrees Celsius increase in average global temperatures over preindustrial levels, a figure first introduced in 1975 by William Nordhaus, a Nobel prize–winning economist at Yale, as a safe upper limit. As 2 degrees was a conveniently easy number to grasp, it became repeated so often that policy negotiators affirmed it as a target at the UN’s 2009 Copenhagen climate summit. We now know that 2 degrees would be calamitous: “Major cities in the equatorial band of the planet will become unlivable.” In the Paris Agreement of 2015, 1.5 degrees was deemed a safer limit. At 2 degrees of warming, one study estimates, 150 million more people would die from air pollution alone than they would after 1.5 degrees. (If we include other climate-driven causes, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that extra half-degree would lead to hundreds of millions more deaths.) But after watching Houston drown, California burn, and chunks of Antarctica and Louisiana dissolve, it appears that “safe” is a relative statement—currently we are only at 1 degree above preindustrial temperatures.
    The preindustrial level of atmospheric carbon dioxide was 280 parts per million. We are now at 410 ppm. The last time that was the case, three million years ago, seas were about 80 feet higher. A rise of 2 degrees Celsius would be around 450 ppm, but, says Wallace-Wells, we’re currently headed beyond 500 ppm. The last time that happened on Earth, seas were 130 feet higher, he writes, envisioning an eastern seaboard moved miles inland, to Interstate 95. Forget Long Island, New York City, and nearly half of New Jersey. It’s unclear how long it takes for oceans to rise in accordance with CO2 concentrations, but you wouldn’t want to find out the hard way.
    Unfortunately, we’re set to sail through 1.5 and 2 degree increases in the next few decades and keep going. We’re presently on course for a rise of somewhere between 3 and 4 degrees Celsius, possibly more—our current trajectory, the UN warns, could even reach an 8 degree increase by this century’s end. At that level, anyone still in the tropics “would not be able to move around outside without dying,” Wallace-Wells writes.
    The Uninhabitable Earth might be best taken a chapter at a time; it’s almost too painful to absorb otherwise. But pain is Wallace-Wells’s strategy, as is his agonizing repetition of how unprecedented these changes are, and how deadly. “The facts are hysterical,” he says, as he piles on more examples.
    Just before the 2016 elections, a respected biologist at an environmental NGO told me she actually considered voting for Trump. “The way I see it,” she said, “it’s either four more years on life support with Hillary, or letting this maniac tear the house down. Maybe then we can pick up the pieces and finally start rebuilding.” Like many other scientists Wallace-Wells cites, she has known for decades how bad things are, and seen how little the Clinton-Gore and Obama-Biden administrations did about it—even in consultation with Obama’s prescient science adviser, physicist John Holdren, who first wrote about rising atmospheric CO2 in 1969. For the politicians, it was always, foremost, about the economy.
    Unfortunately, as Wallace-Wells notes:
    The entire history of swift economic growth, which began somewhat suddenly in the eighteenth century, is not the result of innovation or trade or the dynamics of free trade, but simply our discovery of fossil fuels and all their raw power.
    This is our daily denial, which now flies in our faces on hurricane winds, or drops as hot ashes from our immolated forests and homes: growth is how we measure economic health, and growth must be literally fueled. Other than nuclear energy, which has its own problems, no form of energy is so concentrated, and none so cheap or portable, as carbon. By exhuming hundreds of millions of years’ worth of buried organic matter and burning it in a couple of centuries, we built our dazzling modern civilization, not noticing that its wastes were amassing overhead. Now we’re finally paying attention, because hell is starting to rain down.
    I encourage people to read this book. Wallace-Wells has maniacally absorbed masses of detail and scoured all the articles most readers couldn’t finish or tried to forget, or skipped because they just couldn’t take yet another bummer. Wallace-Wells has been faulted for not offering solutions—but really, what could he say? We now burn 80 percent more coal than we did in 2000, even though solar energy costs have fallen 80 percent in that period. His dismaying conclusion is that “solar isn’t eating away at fossil fuel use…it’s just buttressing it. To the market, this is growth; to human civilization, it is almost suicide.”
  • David Giroux, Finding Overlooked Opportunities in the COVID-19 Market
    From Giroux's article:
    DG: One of our favorite sectors continues to be utilities. The equity market has yet to fully grasp just how attractive utilities are today relative to the past. The emergence of low-cost renewables is a game changer for the industry. This megatrend will likely continue for the next two decades to drive an elongated cycle for replacing coal, nuclear, and inefficient natural gas with wind, solar, and battery solutions that can drive mid- to high-single-digit rate base growth, mid-single-plus earnings per share growth with attractive dividends, only modest growth in customer bills, and a dramatic reduction in carbon emissions. Given this very attractive long-term outlook combined with this significant underperformance, we believe the long-term opportunity for utilities is compelling.
    Utilities is the one sector in which higher taxes don’t negatively impact earnings, as taxes are a pass-through item from a regulatory standpoint. Utilities would also benefit from a likely extension, and potential expansion, of wind and solar tax credits for renewables.
    Also discussed opportunities in fixed income.
  • Scary / “AI” Advances
    SkyNet was in the movie "The Terminator" 20 years ago.
    SkyNet, or Titan[1], is a highly-advanced computer system possessing artificial intelligence. Once it became self-aware, it saw humanity as a threat to its existence due to the attempts of the Cyberdyne scientists to deactivate it once it had gained self-awareness. Hence, Skynet decided to trigger the nuclear holocaust: Judgment Day. Later, it would wage the War against the humanity by developing and deploying an army of Hunter-Killers and Terminators. The survivors had formed a group called the "Resistance" under the leadership of John Connor.
    The concept of self-awareness was revealed in the movie, I, Robot starring Wil Smith and Bridget Moynahan.
    Unmanned vehicles are developed to go places where human cannot. For example, deep sea exploration today are often performed with Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) to depth well beyond conventional submarines. Hopefully these robots are being used to benefit mankind instead for destructive purposes.
  • Scary / “AI” Advances
    Hope not too far afield. With OT on the rocks, I’m sharing something under investing that was aired on Bloomberg Business today. Since the video linked below is from 2018, the robots Bloomberg featured today are even more advanced.
    Following the video I’ve linked a couple stories related to Elon Musk. The first (from CNBC) discuss his worries about the dangers posed by AI. The second is biographical, but covers the several businesses Musk has started or invested in. Not sure how many people even know that he was the founder of PayPal.
    (Video Caption): “Most Advanced Robots have evolved to walk in the Snow.
    Terminator Dogs Run !! The Evolution of AI Android robots is getting scary, watch this video to the end and be shocked as New Robots Walk, Jump, open doors and Climb Stairs”

    Elon Musk: “AI is more dangerous than nuclear weapons“
    Biographical information on Elon Musk, innovations and investments he has made over the years:
  • Mining & Minerals Paper
    This is a good, in-depth discussion on the mining that will be necessary to meet the needs of the renewables industry from the Manhattan Institute. — mines-minerals.pdf
    Some observations:
    All energy-producing machinery must be fabricated from materials extracted from the earth. No energy system, in short, is actually “renewable,” since all machines require the continual mining and processing of millions of tons of primary materials and the disposal of hardware that inevitably wears out.
    He says: Compared with hydrocarbon using devices, green machines entail, on average, a 10-fold increase in the quantities of materials extracted and processed to produce the same amount of energy. But I don’t see where he includes the extraction of fossil fuels for the conventional devices. Also, no mention of nuclear power is this report.
    Expansion of today’s level of green energy—currently less than 4% of the country’s total consumption (versus 56% from oil and gas)—will create an unprecedented increase in global mining for needed minerals.
    Among the material realities of green energy:
    Building wind turbines and solar panels to generate electricity, as well as batteries to fuel electric vehicles, requires, on average, more than 10 times the quantity of materials, compared with building machines using hydro-carbons to deliver the same amount of energy to society.
    Replacing hydrocarbons with green machines will vastly increase the mining of various critical minerals around the world. For example, a single electric car battery weighing 1,000 pounds requires extracting and processing some 500,000 pounds of materials. Averaged over a battery’s life, each mile of driving an electric car “consumes” five pounds of earth. Using an internal combustion engine consumes about 0.2 pounds of liquids per mile. (note, I think “consumes” is a misnomer here, the half a ton of materials are not actually consumed. Also, this 5 lbs to 0.2 lbs talk is not an apples to apples comparison)
    By 2050, with current plans, the quantity of worn-out solar panels—much of it non- recyclable—will constitute double the tonnage of all today’s global plastic waste, along with over 3 million tons per year of unrecyclable plastics from worn-out wind turbine blades. By 2030, more than 10 million tons per year of batteries will become garbage. (While a million tons seems to be a large amount, we really don’t know that it is for a country of 350 million people.)
    In sum
    Even without subsidies, mandates, and policies that favor green energy, the future for both America and the rest of the world will see many more wind and solar farms and many more electric cars. That will happen precisely because those technologies have matured enough to play significant roles. And given the magnitude of pent-up global demand for energy and energy-using machines and services—especially after the world struggles out of recession — the world will need “all of the above” in energy supplies.
    Note this report is a follow up to a report the author wrote in early 2019. Here’s a link without discussion
  • Fed rolls out $2.3 trillion to backstop "Main Street," local governments during crisis
    Here's a little more detail about the high yield investments. It sounds like they may not be directly picking individual winners and losers for now:
    the Fed indicated that it would begin to dip its toes into the high yield bond market with SMCCF purchases of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that have exposure to high yield corporate bonds.
  • The Fed Goes Nuclear
    It was my sense the Fed would be deploying new programs this time around. This report discusses some of them (still no direct stock market purchases as far as I can tell)....
    The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announced a series of steps this morning designed to support the flow of credit in the U.S. economy. The actions taken are breath-taking in their scope. Indeed, these steps surpass in breadth and depth the measures that the Fed created in the midst of the financial crisis a decade ago. If the Fed pulled out a monetary policy "bazooka" during that crisis, then the steps it announced this morning are the central bank equivalent of "going nuclear."
    .....For starters, the committee announced this morning that it will be creating two facilities to support credit to large employers. The Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility (PMCCF) will support the issuance of investment grade corporate bonds, and the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF) is aimed at provide liquidity in the investment grade corporate bond market. This is the first time, of which we are aware, that the Fed has stepped in to provide direct support to the corporate bond market.
    ...the Fed created the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF) last week to support money market funds. The Fed has broadened the MMLF to include variable rate notes that are issued by municipalities. In addition, the Fed will also support municipal financing via its expansion of the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) to include high-quality, tax-exempt commercial paper.
    Most incredibly, the committee announced that it will soon be releasing details on the Main Street Business Lending Program that is intended to support lending to small-and-medium sized businesses. This program will support efforts that are underway by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to keep credit flowing to businesses that rely primarily on bank lending for financing.
  • Futures slump after U.S. kills top Iranian commander
    Did Trump just insure his re-election? No way Iran keeps quiet after this. The nuclear deal is off. Iran will do something for sure. US will go to war.
    Everyone's retirement will be effed because of Artificial Idiocy. I always thought it would be Artificial Intelligence causing falling wages that would do it. I have another child fixing to go to college next year.
    PS - probably should be changed to OT discussion (if possible)
  • How Should You Invest In These Uncertain Times?
    FYI: It looks like a perfect storm. There’s talk of the President’s impeachment. The rumors, alone, could hurt global markets. Experts say a recession is coming. Several economic forecasts say inflation is on the rise. It could hit 12 percent or more.
    Home mortgage interest rates might soon hit double digits. Tensions in the Middle East are heating up again. The Middle East is threatening to limit the sale of oil to the west. Some forecasts say fuel shortages might be coming. That could mean day-long lines to put gas in your car. There’s even risk of Nuclear war. At least one rogue nation is stepping up aggression.
    These are uncertain times. Many people wonder how to protect their investments. Others haven’t yet started to invest. They’re afraid to commit because nothing seems stable.
  • The Price Tag For Ken Fisher’s Lewd Remarks: Nearly $1 Billion, And Counting
    @gmarceau I call what people do when they claim to be "pro-life" while ignoring climate change, being gung-ho to build up our nuclear arsenal, are pro-gun, pro-death penalty and want to deny sick kids health coverage and a decent education virtue signaling. I also call it virtue signaling when I see people waive American flags made in China at parades while seeking to cut back on veterans' benefits or when they claim to love American capitalism and hate "government handouts" but are happy to accept government bailouts for big banks, farm subsidies because tariffs are a disaster and want the government to pay for $5000 hammers from private sector military contractors and expect blue states to foot the tax bill because the red states have no infrastructure and are so poorly educated they can't produce enough revenue themselves to pay for anything.
  • The Closing Bell: U.S. Stocks Drop On Worries About Growth
    FYI: The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped almost 500 points Wednesday as worries about a slowdown in the U.S. economy rattled markets to start the fourth quarter.
    Concerns about slowing global growth have resumed this week, shaking a bet among U.S. investors that the trade war-induced slowdown overseas wouldn’t hit the domestic economy with the same force. That bet was upended after data Tuesday showed a gauge of U.S. factory activity contracted for the second consecutive month, falling to its lowest level since June 2009.
    Wednesday’s private-sector jobs report, which showed the pace of job creation has slowed, added to the concerns about the health of the economy.
    The stock market’s declines were broad and accelerated through the morning. All 11 sectors in the S&P 500 fell, as did all but one of the 30 blue-chip stocks in the Dow. Among the biggest losers were shares of big industrial and technology companies.
    Delta Air Lines declined 6.8%, while aluminum parts manufacturer Arconic fell 4.6%. Apple and Google lost 2.4% and 2.3%, respectively.
    “It feels like one thing after another the last couple of days,” said David Laffertry, chief market strategist at Natixis. While Wednesday’s jobs report from ADP was soft rather than outright weak, he said, “within the context of other bad macro data the last couple of days, it’s sort of piling on.”
    The Dow industrials fell 494 points, or 1.86%, following a 1.3% decline Tuesday. Those declines put the index on pace for its worst start to quarter since the depths of the financial crisis in the fourth quarter of 2008, when it fell 19%.
    The S&P 500 fell 1.79%, putting it in danger of falling more than 1% in consecutive sessions for the first time this year. The last time the broad equity gauge dropped that much on back-to-back days was Dec. 24, 2018, when an end-of-year selloff nearly ended the long-running bull market. The Nasdaq Composite lost 1.56%.
    The selloff heightens the anxiety for two other consumer-focused reports this week—the Institute for Supply Management’s services sector report Thursday and Friday’s payrolls report.
    Wednesday’s ADP National Employment Report beat muted expectations—the private sector added 135,000 jobs in September, versus estimates for 125,000 jobs. But the firm cut its August estimate by nearly 40,000, and the three-month average of 145,000 is down from 214,000 a year ago.
    Altogether, it was the latest sign that businesses are turning more cautious in the face of a weakening global economy.
    If the manufacturing slowdown spreads to the services sector, this would increase pressure on the Federal Reserve to cut rates again in October, said Stefan Schilbe, HSBC Germany’s chief economist.
    The market odds of another Fed rate cut this year rose to 86% Wednesday morning, up from 73% a week ago, according to data from CME data show.
    Markets overseas continued to react to disappointing economic data. The Stoxx Europe 600 fell 2.7%, with Germany’s DAX down 2.8%.
    In Asia, South Korea’s Kospi was down nearly 2% following news that North Korea fired at least one missile off its east coast. The move, seen as a show of strength, came after Pyongyang said it would resume official nuclear talks with the U.S.
    Bloomberg Evening Briefing:
    WSJ: Markets At A Glance:
    Major ETFs % Change:
    SPDR's Sector Tracker:
    SPDR's Bloomberg Sector Performance Pie Chart:
    Current Futures:
  • BUY - SELL - HOLD - September
    Watch out while you're there in the home of the Zags, @Crash. You may not realize it's time to zig and fail to sell timely. LOL. Enjoy your travels.
    ...It was indeed a great vacation with my best friend. So far away, but it's just a plane ride away, too. The birches in the southern interior of B.C. and Alberta have all turned. Bright golden color on the leaves. Lovely. And the sumac is nuclear red. My friend got lucky at a few different casinos. Small stakes, but coming away with a profit from places like that takes some doing. Toronto-Pearson Airport was my going and returning stop. My official review of YYZ is that it is a total cluster-fuck. Never again. At the Calgary Airport, there are all kinds of volunteers in cowboy hats to assist, and they helped us in a big way. Kudos to them. The Calgary Airport (YYC) is not a cluster-fuck.
    Roads throughout southern B.C. and Alberta are being worked on, extensively. Even in the shadow of the Rockies, and up around latitude 50, the road conditions are fabulous compared to Massachusetts. When will we learn? BTW, the weather forecast for Calgary on Friday, 27 Sept. includes rain/snow showers. Jeez. Even so, it's too early to stick to the ground and the roads. But it will be a chilly 26 F. out there, that night.