The fund: |
RiverPark Strategic Income Fund (RSIVX)![]() |
Manager: |
David Sherman, Cohanzick Management | |
The call: |
On Monday, December 9th, Morty Schaja, RiverPark president, and David Sherman, fund manager, joined me and about 50 Observer readers for an hour-long conversation about the fund and their approach to it. Highlights of the call include:
There were rather more questions from callers than we had time to field. Some of the points we did get to talk about: David is not impressed with the values available in one- to three-year bonds, they’ve been subject to too much buying by the anxious herd. He’s currently finding better values in three- to five-year bonds, especially those which are not included in the major bond indexes. There is, he says, “a lot of high yield value outside of indexed issues.” About 50% of the corporate bond market qualifies as “high yield,” which gives him lots of opportunities. This could function as one’s core bond portfolio. While there will be more NAV volatility because of mark-to-market rules (that is, you have to ask “what would I get if I stupidly decided to sell my entire portfolio in the midst of a particular day’s market panic”), the risk of permanent impairment of capital occurs only if he’s made a mistake. Munis are a possibility, but they’re not currently cheap enough to be attractive. If there’s a limited supply of a security that would be appropriate for both Short-Term and here, Short-Term gets dibs. Cohanzick is really good at pricing their portfolio securities. At one level, they use an independent pricing service. At another, getting the price right has been a central discipline since the firm’s founding and he’s comfortable with his ability to do so even with relatively illiquid names. At base, David believes the fund can generate returns in the 7-8% range with minimal risk of capital loss. Given his record with Cohanzick and RPHYX, we are confident that he’s capable of delivering on that promise. By way of full disclosure: In aligning our mouths and our money, both Chip and I added RSIVX to our personal portfolios this fall. Once we work out all of the Observer’s year-end finances, we also intend to transfer a portion of the money now in MFO’s credit union savings account into an investment in this fund.
The profile: |
The Mutual Fund Observer profile of RSIVX, December 2013. |
Web: |
Fund Focus: Resources from other trusted sources |
RiverPark Strategic Income Fund (RSIVX)
By Chip