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National Emergency



  • The day you, me, and Ann Coulter agree .... my gods, I expect the Hellmouth to open at midnight and consume us all!
    Old_Joe said:

    Thanks @hank. I really could have done without that bit of information. :)

  • Where I live the complaints of infiltration are of rich Canadians to the north and rich Californians to the south buying up all the property and raising the price of housing beyond the affordability of local workers. Canada, California - BUILD THAT WALL!


    Wait, that won't work. Need a declaration of Local Emergency so the local government can seize all foreign and California owned properties for the public's sense of security.

    Wait, no can do. Only the POTUS can.
  • Howdy folks,

    First of all, I am confident that everyone on this board wants secure borders. The Wall is a stupid polikal ploy Trump used during his rallies and now he's trapped like a bloody rat into at least trying to build it and pass it off that somehow or another, Mexico is paying.

    BTW, 66% of Americans are against the wall. The wall is a stupid way to address the problem with immigration. There is an elephant in the immigration argument room that is being ignored. The DEMAND side of the equation. Hell, the SUPPLY side is easy. People want to move here for a better life for many reasons.

    But the Demand side is the farmers and plant managers that continue to hire illegal workers so they can pay them lower wages. Oh sure, they'll all hide behind, 'he had papers, I thought they were legit'. Bullshit. Their brother was selling these at the gate. In this day of the internet, it would be very easy to verify each and every worker as having a SS#. Then the workers would be paying taxes and social security and the authorities would know where they were. Doesn't mean there is any sort of shortcut to citizenship - just legitimate workers. Until you control this the problem will continue to fester.

    Now if you're a capitalist, you really need to support a very easy immigration policy for workers - that are registered. No papers = 3-5 hard time and then deportation. Be brutal about having no papers. You need to support it because it's the free flow of labor resulting in the competition needed to make capitalism work most efficiently.

    Now on the Demand side, you must be equally brutal. $10,000 per head without legitimate papers.

    and so it goes,



  • @rono- You got it!

    Take care- OJ
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