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Vanguard Problems



  • As of this morning our Vanguard problems are solved. Not just one, but *three* intelligent, on-point, competent customer service folks were in succession over 3 days able to complete the transition to the Vanguard brokerage platform. Short version: RMD settings needed to be removed, new IRA accounts established, all money (bit by bit it seemed) needed to be transferred to the brokerage equivalent of the old mutual fund platform investments, and then RMD settings were restored. This is all good. So I think customer service quality at Vanguard may depend on who you happen to get. I am glad to report a Happy Ending... to *this* particular story anyway.
  • "So I think customer service quality at Vanguard may depend on who you happen to get."

    That's pretty well true with most anyplace in the world, I've found.
  • edited September 2022
    Do you guys know if there a limit on how much one can withdraw by check from VMFXX - sweep at Vanguard brokerage? Edit: The Rep says no limit below the balance in the fund.
  • edited September 2022
    Fido’s website was a bit messed up this morning. I had trouble directly accessing my “transaction history” to see what price I’d sold a fund at few months back. Found a work around. There was a message displayed to the effect that volume was “very high” and some recent transactions might not be displayed (rough approximation). So, if Fido was having trouble keeping up with volume, a lot of others probably were as well. Folks must have been climbing over each other today to snatch up more equities at these rock bottom prices.

    Apologies to @BaluBalu. Didn’t mean to step on your above question. Hope someone can address it!
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