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DJT in your portfolio - the first two funds reporting (edited)



  • Another GOP gem from southern CA.
  • Would pay a kings ransom just to see the list of "investors" buying this stock daily. DJT is averaging 6M shares per day. Are the buyers from Russia? China? Supreme Court justices?

    DJT is up over 12% today, at $36.75 for the moment.

    It's one thing to hear about a con after the rubes have been fleeced, but its another to watch it all in slow motion. You can goose a stock price for only so long.
  • I would think some of the action is from the Robinhood brokerage accts folks. They've played with a lot of things since the Covid period, regardless of any underlying value of the item being traded, Strictly money transactions hoping for the fast buck.
  • catch22 said:

    I would think some of the action is from the Robinhood brokerage accts folks. They've played with a lot of things since the Covid period, regardless of any underlying value of the item being traded, Strictly money transactions hoping for the fast buck.

    The trading "apes" did a number on some other meme stocks, so there it is. AMC and GME went on like this for months.

  • "The trading "apes" did a number on some other meme stocks, so there it is." Until it isn't. Guess who will be left holding the bag.
  • In order to deflect from the free stock grab that the orange one has concocted, the CEO (Nunes) singled out four market participants that have been responsible for more than 60% of the volume of DJT shares traded: Citadel Securities, VIRTU Americas, G1 Execution Services, and Jane Street Capital.

    Nunes is now asking GOP members to investigate "potential manipulation" of DJT's stock, and pointing fingers. Feels like he is stealing a page from the orange playbook.

    Meanwhile, teflon Don receives another $1.2B in "bonus" shares - a major dilution of current shareholders. How many cons can this grifter pull off?

    Anybody home at the SEC?
  • Anyone home, indeed!
  • It's a mess, huh? How long would the SEC and/or it's civil servants last if someone managed to return to the Whitehouse after an investigation of anything DJT was initiated?
  • edited April 25
    Is the $1.2b granted compensation income subject to tax, not off settable against any cap losses?

    Not sure why you all are complaining about the current shareholders getting screwed. Was there a different outcome expectation from the get go? None of this news to any of them.

    If this increases tax revenue, I will personally thank whoever put this deal together.
  • I don't feel one lick of sympathy for the large shareholders on the assumption that they know what they are gambling with. As for the the little shareholders I seriously doubt they knew or know what they are in for. Do you believe any of them even read the prospectus? Sure they should have but again it's doubtful. We all will just have to wait and see. Or possibly maybe none of them care.
  • You got it - None of them cared about the monetary outcome. It is a different universe. Someone here commented that this is a contribution to the Fuhrer and I think that is a reasonable take.

    Those of us that buy lottery tickets in the stock market did not avoid this stock because we read the prospectus, or researched anything about the company.
  • @BaluBalu- well said!
  • balu balu: quite right.
  • edited April 25
    Why would a Russian or Saudi oligarch care how much money they lose in DJT? They're paying for a service. ;^)
  • Unfortunately now that I've been thinking about it... do we do the same thing?? I don't know?
  • Up another +12.4% today at $46.69, well off the recent lows of ~$23. Once in a lifetime scam, as it's right out in the why not own some of it?

    "We may have missed a golden opportunity here" - says nobody.
  • @JD_co,

    "Once in a lifetime scam, as it's right out in the why not own some of it?"

    I think you meant to say "trade" not "own". Absolutely one can trade anything with a market price on it. No morals ascribed. That is what machines do too. Enjoy.
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