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Yogi Bear Bull Is ill.



  • Roy
    edited July 2023
    Praying for you and your family, Yogi.
  • Another fan here -- take it easy.
  • Best wishes and get well fast. You are the best.
  • Get well soon!
  • Yogi,
    Sending my best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. All the best!
  • Here's to a solid recovery, Yogi.
  • Update, 7/18/23

    Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for recovery.

    Current Score: YBB 1, Pneumonia 0.

    I just completed a 5-day course of a strong antibiotics. It didn’t do much for 3 days – that was disheartening at one point. But then, things improved dramatically. Full recovery will take time. I would have to be cautious about a relapse. I will also think about where and how I caught a sudden pneumonia that literally knocked me out – almost.

    I had all the pneumonia shots PPSV-23, Prevnar-13. Now they have a combo/single vaccine, and at some point, I may have that too – this current infection should cause natural immunity for a good while.

    Thanks to Capital at Big Bang, @ceciljk at MFO, @eceprof at M* for posting information at those discussion boards.
  • Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Better eat some yogurt after a course of antibiotics like that. :)
  • @yogibearbull Glad to read this (virus?) is now controlled to allow for a full recovery.
  • Hi YBB. Glad to learn of your improved condition. Wishing you the very best as you continue to recover. Old_Skeet
  • Great news, yogi. Nice to hear your ‘voice’!
  • Really good news to hear that you're on the mend, Yogi. CecilJK/Old Skeet was very helpful in keeping us informed of the situation.
  • Great to have you feeling better YBB. Like others, I've appreciated your spot-on commentary here and for many years prior at M*. Thank you!
  • Glad you are on the mend. Lay low and take care until fully recovered.
  • @yogibearbull : Thanks for the update & glad to hear you're recovering. I guess the shots aren't 100 % , but probably cut down on the severity of the illness ?
  • YBB,

    Glad you're feeling better now.
    Sounds like pneumonia is a formidable foe.
    Good to have you back!
  • So glad that you are getting better from the antibiotics treatment. Even with the pneumonia vaccines, some patients still get infected but the severity is reduced. Please take lots of rest in your recovery. Like all other respiratory diseases, face masks still offer protection against air-borne viruses transmission.
  • The mask probably protects others more than the wearer, but they will probably have a net benefit.
  • Get well soon!
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