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An index of all Mutual Fund Observer fund profiles



Aegis Value (AVALX), December 2013Stars in the shadows
Akre Focus (AKREX), September 2014Stars in the shadows
Al Frank Fund (VALUX), April 2008Archives of FundAlarm Profile
Alpha Architect US Quantitative Value (QVAL), December 2014Charles Most intriguing new funds
AlphaCentric Income Opportunities Fund (IOFIX), February 2018Charles Most intriguing new funds
Amana Developing World Fund (AMDWX), May 2012Most intriguing new funds
American Beacon Continuous Capital Emerging Market Equity Fund (CCEYX), February 2021Funds Most intriguing new funds
American Century One Choice funds: Income (ARTOX), 2025 (ARWIX), 2035 (ARYIX), and 2045 (AROIX) (formerly American Century LIVESTRONG funds), June 2006Archives of FundAlarm Profile
AMG GW&K Global Allocation Fund (formerly AMG Chicago Equity Partners Balanced), (MBEAX), February 2017Stars in the shadows
AMG River Road International Value Equity Fund (formerly AMG / River Road Long-Short), (ARLSX), February 2014Stars in the shadows
Appleseed Fund (APPLX), July 2021Funds Stars in the shadows
AQR Equity Market Neutral (QMNIX), AQR Long-Short Equity (QLEIX), April 2016Funds Most intriguing new funds
AQR Style Premia Alternative I (QSPIX), AQR Style Premia Alternative LV I (QSLIX), September 2015Most intriguing new funds
Ariel Focus (ARFFX), May 2006 (updated June 2023)Archives of FundAlarm Profile
Ariel Global (AGLOX), August 2016Stars in the shadows
Ariel Global (AGLOX), November 2019Funds Stars in the shadows
Artisan Global Equity Fund (ARTHX), February 2013Most intriguing new funds
Artisan Global Value (ARTGX), May 2013 updateStars in the shadows
Artisan High Income (ARTFX), July 2014Most intriguing new funds
Artisan International Explorer (ARDBX/ARHBX)Funds Most intriguing new funds
Artisan Small Cap (ARTSX), December 2011Stars in the shadows
Artisan Value (ARTLX), April 2011Most intriguing new funds
AXS Market Neutral (formerly Cognios Market Neutral), (COGMX), February 2016Stars in the shadows
Beck, Mack & Oliver Partners Fund (BMPEX), September 2013Stars in the shadows
Bretton Fund (BRTNX), Updated June 2013Funds Most intriguing new funds
Bridgeway Managed Volatility (BRBPX), January 2013Stars in the shadows
Brown Advisory Sustainable Growth Fund (BAFWX/BIAWX/BAWAX), April 2019Funds Stars in the shadows Sustainable Investing
Brown Advisory Sustainable Growth Fund (BAFWX/BIAWX/BAWAX), November 2018Funds Stars in the shadows
Bruce Fund (BRUFX), May 2020Funds Stars in the shadows
Castle Focus (MOATX), November 2019Mutual Fund Commentary Stars in the shadows
Catalyst/MAP Global Balanced (TRXAX, TRXIX), August 2016Stars in the shadows
Centerstone Investors (CETAX/CENTX), September 2017Most intriguing new funds
Channel Short Duration Income Fund (CPSIX), July 2021Funds Most intriguing new funds
Conestoga Micro Cap Fund (CMCMX / CMIRX), June 2022Most intriguing new funds
Conestoga SMID Cap Fund (CCSMX & CCSGX), September 2018Funds Stars in the shadows
Crawford Small Cap Dividend Fund (CDOFX), October 2019Funds Stars in the shadows
Cromwell Marketfield L/S Fund (formerly Marketfield Fund), (MFLDX), July 2012Stars in the shadows
Disciplined Growth Investors (DGIFX), September 2022Funds Stars in the shadows
Dodge and Cox Global Bond (DODLX), June 2014Most intriguing new funds
Driehaus Emerging Markets Small Cap Growth Fund (DRESX), March, 2014Most intriguing new funds
Driehaus International Small Cap Growth (DRIOX), November 2007Archives of FundAlarm Profile
Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences Fund (ETNHX), August 2015Most intriguing new funds
Evermore Global Value (EVGBX/EVGIX), August 2017Stars in the shadows
Fairholme Allocation (formerly Fairholme Asset Allocation), (FAAFX), April 2011Stars in the shadows
FAM Dividend Focus (FAMEX) Prior to 2019, this was FAM Equity-Income, February 2020Stars in the shadows
FAM Value (FAMVX/FAMWX), March 2018Funds Stars in the shadows
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets (FTEMX), December 2015Funds Stars in the shadows
First Trust/Aberdeen Emerging Opportunity Fund (FEO), April 2011Stars in the shadows
FMI International (FMIJX), May 2012Most intriguing new funds
FPA International Value (FPIVX), May 2013 updateMost intriguing new funds
FPA Paramount (FPRAX), November 2014Stars in the shadows
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value (formerly Queens Road Small Cap Value), (QRSVX), April 2015Stars in the shadows
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value (formerly Queens Road Small Cap Value), (QRSVX), August 2020Funds Stars in the shadows
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value (QRSVX)Mutual Fund Commentary Stars in the shadows
FPA Queens Road Value (formerly Queens Road Value), (QRVLX), April 2011Most intriguing new funds
FPA Queens Road Value (formerly Queens Road Value), (QRVLX), July 2020Funds Stars in the shadows
Frank Value (FRNKX), October 2013Stars in the shadows
Fuller & Thaler Behavioral Small-Cap Equity (FTHNX), November 2017Funds Mutual Fund Commentary Stars in the shadows
FundX Upgrader Fund (FUNDX), September 2013Charles Stars in the shadows
Grandeur Peak Emerging Markets Opportunities (formerly Grandeur Peak Emerging Opportunities), (GPEOX), February 2014Most intriguing new funds
Grandeur Peak Global Opportunities (GPGOX), August 2013 updateStars in the shadows
Grandeur Peak Global Reach (GPROX), August 2013Most intriguing new funds
Grandeur Peak Global Stalwarts/Grandeur Peak International Stalwarts (GGSYX/GISYX), April 2017Funds Stars in the shadows
Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy (GAAEX), September 2007Archives of FundAlarm Profile
Guinness Atkinson Dividend Builder (GAINX), March 2014Most intriguing new funds
Guinness Atkinson Global Innovators (IWIRX), April 2018Funds Stars in the shadows
Guinness Atkinson Global Innovators (IWIRX), August 2014Stars in the shadows
Harbor Global Leaders Investor (HGGIX), October 2020Most intriguing new funds
Harbor International Small Cap (HIISX / HNISX), September 2021Funds Stars in the shadows
Harbor International Small Cap (HIISX / HNISX), September 2022Funds Stars in the shadows
Holbrook Income Fund (HOBIX), July 2018Most intriguing new funds
Homestead Growth (HNASX), March 2017Funds Stars in the shadows
Huber Select Large Cap Value (formerly Huber Capital Equity Income), (HULIX), April 2014Stars in the shadows
Huber Small Cap Value (formerly Huber Capital Small Cap Value), (HUSIX), June 2012Stars in the shadows
Hussman Strategic International Equity (HSIEX), April 2011Most intriguing new funds
iMGP Alternative Strategies Fund (formerly Litman Gregory Masters Alternative Strategies), (MASFX/MASNX), April 2017Charles Funds Stars in the shadows
Index Funds S&P 500® Equal Weight NoLoad (formerly Index Funds S&P 500® Equal Weight), (INDEX), June 2018Funds Stars in the shadows
Index Funds S&P 500® Equal Weight NoLoad (formerly Index Funds S&P 500® Equal Weight), (INDEX), June 2019Stars in the shadows
Intrepid Endurance (ICMAX), April 2016Funds Stars in the shadows
Intrepid Income (ICMUX), March 2014Stars in the shadows
Intrepid International Fund (ICMIX),(Liquidated), January 2017Most intriguing new funds
Invenomic Fund (BIVRX/BIVIX/BIVSX), October 2019Funds Stars in the shadows
Invenomic Fund (formerly Balter Invenomic), (BIVRX/BIVIX/BIVSX), May 2019Funds Most intriguing new funds
James Balanced Golden Rainbow Fund (GLRBX/GLRIX), August 2015Charles Stars in the shadows
Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (formerly Janus Global Unconstrained Bond), (JUCAX), October 2014Most intriguing new funds
JOHCM International Select II Fund (formerly JOHCM International Select Fund), (JOHAX/JOHIX), June 2015Stars in the shadows
KL Allocation Fund (formerly GaveKal Knowledge Leaders), (GAVAX/GAVIX), August 2014Most intriguing new funds
KL Allocation Fund (GAVAX/GAVIX), June 2020Funds Stars in the shadows
Leuthold Core Investment (LCORX), February 2016Stars in the shadows
Leuthold Core Investment (LCORX/LCRIX), June 2023Mutual Fund Commentary Stars in the shadows
LKCM Balanced Fund (LKBAX), May 2012 updateStars in the shadows
LS Opportunity Fund (LSOFX), July 2018Stars in the shadows
LS Opportunity Fund (LSOFX), March 2016Most intriguing new funds
Mairs and Power Small Cap Fund (MSCFX), September 2016Funds Stars in the shadows
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Conservative (EXDAX), September 2015Stars in the shadows
Manning and Napier Disciplined Value (formerly Dividend Focus), (MNDFX), November 2011Most intriguing new funds
Marathon Value (MVPFX), August 2011Stars in the shadows
Marshfield Concentrated Opportunity (MRFOX), February 2019Stars in the shadows
Matthews Asia Credit Opportunities (MCRDX/MICPX), July 2017Funds Most intriguing new funds
Matthews Asia Total Return Bond (formerly Matthews Asia Strategic Income), (MAINX), September 2014Stars in the shadows
Matthews Asia Value (MAVRX / MAVAX) (Liquidated), July 2019Funds Stars in the shadows
Meridian Small Cap Growth (MSGAX/MISGX), October 2014Most intriguing new funds
Miller Income (LMCJX), October 2014Most intriguing new funds
Moerus Worldwide Value (MOWNX/MOWIX), August 2017Funds Most intriguing new funds
North Square Strategic Income (formerly Advisory Research Strategic Income), (ADVNX), September 2013Most intriguing new funds
North Star Dividend Fund (NSDVX), December 2019Funds Stars in the shadows
Northern Active M International Equity (formerly Active M International Equity), (NMIEX), November 2006, July 2010Archives of FundAlarm Profile
Northern Global Tactical Asset Allocation (BBALX), April 2017Funds Stars in the shadows
Northern U.S. Quality ESG Fund (NUESX), June 2021Most intriguing new funds
Oberweis International Opportunities (OBIOX), October 2013Stars in the shadows
Osterweis Emerging Opportunity (OSTGX), September 2020Funds Stars in the shadows
Osterweis Growth & Income Fund (formerly Osterweis Strategic Investment), (OSTVX), February 2015      Stars in the shadows
Osterweis Strategic Income Fund (OSTIX), April 2023Funds Stars in the shadows
Otter Creek Long Short Opportunity (OTCRX), April 2016Funds Most intriguing new funds
Payden Global Low Duration Fund (PYGSX), May 2013Stars in the shadows
Pear Tree Polaris Foreign Value Small Cap (QUSOX/QUSIX), February 2015Stars in the shadows
PIMCO Short Asset Investment Fund, “A” shares (PAIAX), February 2013Most intriguing new funds
Pin Oak Equity (POGSX), March 2017Funds Stars in the shadows
Pinnacle Value (PVFIX), March 2015Stars in the shadows
Polaris Global Value (PGVFX), December 2014Stars in the shadows
Poplar Forest Partners Fund (PFPFX), April 2014Stars in the shadows
Prospector Capital Appreciation (PCAFX), April 2011Most intriguing new funds
Prospector Opportunity (POPFX), May 2018Funds Stars in the shadows
Provident Trust Strategy Fund (PROVX), December 2018Stars in the shadows
River Canyon Total Return Bond Fund Institutional Class (RCTIX), May 2019Funds Stars in the shadows
RiverNorth Core Opportunity (RNCOX/RNCIX), November 2015Stars in the shadows
RiverNorth DoubleLine Strategic Income (RNDLX), April 2011Most intriguing new funds
RiverNorth Opportunities Fund, Inc. (RIV), February 2016Most intriguing new funds
RiverNorth/Oaktree High Income (RNOTX/RNHIX) – June 2014Stars in the shadows
RiverPark Large Growth (RPXFX/RPXIX), January 2015Stars in the shadows
RiverPark Long/Short Opportunity Fund (RLSFX), August 2012Most intriguing new funds
RiverPark Short Term High Yield Fund (RPHYX/RPHIX), May 2017Stars in the shadows
RiverPark Strategic Income Fund (RSIVX)Funds Stars in the shadows
RiverPark Strategic Income Fund (RSIVX), January 2014Most intriguing new funds
Rondure Overseas Fund (ROSOX/ROSIX), December 2020Funds Most intriguing new funds
Royce Global Financial Services (RYFSX), March 2016Stars in the shadows
Sarofim Equity (SRFMX), October 2014Most intriguing new funds
Seafarer Overseas Growth & Income (SFGIX/SIGIX), May 2015Stars in the shadows
Seafarer Overseas Value Fund (SFVLX), April 2023Funds Stars in the shadows
Seven Canyons World Innovators Fund (WAGTX), October 2020Stars in the shadows
Sextant Global High Income (SGHIX), August 2013Most intriguing new funds
Sextant Growth (SSGFX), January 2007Archives of FundAlarm Profile
SmartETFs Dividend Builder ETF (DIVS), April 2021Funds Most intriguing new funds
Smead Value Fund (SMVLX), July 2013Stars in the shadows
SouthernSun Small Cap Fund (SSSFX), October 2011Stars in the shadows
Standpoint Multi-Asset Fund (BLNDX / REMIX)Most intriguing new funds Mutual Fund Commentary
Sunbridge Capital Emerging Markets (formerly Fiera Capital Emerging Markets Fund), (RIMIX, CNRYX), October 2016Funds Stars in the shadows
T. Rowe Price Global Allocation (RPGAX), December 2013Most intriguing new funds
T. Rowe Price Global Multi-Sector Bond (PRSNX), February 2017Stars in the shadows
T. Rowe Price Multi-Strategy Total Return (TMSRX), July 2020Most intriguing new funds
T. Rowe Price Real Assets (PRAFX), October 2012Most intriguing new funds
The Cook & Bynum Fund (COBYX), April 2013Most intriguing new funds
TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative (TSCLX), August 2015Stars in the shadows
Tocqueville Select Fund (TSELX), January 2012Stars in the shadows
Touchstone Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth Fund (TSEMX/TSEGX), February 2015Most intriguing new funds
Towle Deep Value Fund (TDVFX), May 2015Stars in the shadows
Towpath Focus: Adventures of a Growth Manager in ValuelandFunds Mutual Fund Commentary Stars in the shadows
Tributary Balanced (FOBAX), September 2013 updateStars in the shadows
Tributary Small Company (FOSCX), December 2016Stars in the shadows
Vanguard Global Minimum Volatility Fund (VMVFX), April 2015Most intriguing new funds
Vanguard STAR (VGSTX), August 2015Stars in the shadows
Vela Large Cap Plus I (VELIX)Funds Most intriguing new funds Mutual Fund Commentary
Voya Corporate Leaders Trust B (formerly ING Corporate Leaders Trust B),(LEXCX), August 2012 update (originally published July 2011)Stars in the shadows
Vulcan Value Partners Small Cap Fund (VVPSX), April 2011Most intriguing new funds
Walthausen Select Value (WSVRX), April 2014Stars in the shadows
Walthausen Small Cap Value Fund (WSCVX), September 2011Stars in the shadows
Wasatch Global Opportunities (WAGOX), May 2010Archives of FundAlarm Profile
Wedgewood (formerly RiverPark/Wedgewood), (RWGFX), September 2011Most intriguing new funds
YCG Enhanced Fund (YCGEX), March 2020Funds Stars in the shadows
Zeo Short Duration Income (ZEOIX), July 2014Most intriguing new funds
Zeo Short Duration Income (ZEOIX), July 2018Charles Stars in the shadows